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Messages - greight expectations

did you hear about the actuary who moved to Israel?  He went as he considered the probability of the second coming (of the Messiah) was better there.

My friend Steve is an actuary,  he says there are three kinds of actuary;  those that can count and those that can't!


Accountants' positions - a variation on missionary?

I always believed this to be a lay persons misconception about rollover relief,

Ah Howard

Just to prove that a Yorkshireman is a Scotsman with the charity taken out!

Roger  ;)

( I've always admired the folding mast- from a distance!)

Why.. what evil was prevented by the tightening up?  

Verflucht nochmal  Ich Mus selb sehen ober dieser sacher evig dauern wird blah blah blah.. annswers on a post card..

Hi Martina I think you are quite wise to apply a reality filter, it helps things to stay upright,  level headed and dry!but persevere with the passsion thing,  jim will conker it!


Jabadabadoooo! Coming to BW to make a splosh!!!!???????????????

Hardly but are you contemplating ending your career sailing a laser?  Jane has a point perhaps.

My crew (tochter) has competing interests with crewing for me but remains my best crew as whilst she has not sailed lots in a 12 is intuitive in her behaviour and responds to tricky situations with little or no direction on my part.  (Mind you we've had our "moments" also!)

To add to the debate I had the good fortune to have a guest (save her blushes) crew for me (first time but I hope not the last) at Ripon.  She too was fairly intuitive  - she knew what and how to do things, followed instructions when asked, never criticised, gave positive suggestions and observations as she knew the water, maintaind her focus and concentration - with little input from me leaving me to keep my head out of the boat with the confidence that our race was good.  We did fairly well, improving each race and I never felt that our performance was damaged by crew activities,  leaving me to take full honours in my own down fall and self induced errors.  

Not a precise answer but you know a good crew when you have one.

congtulations Camms all!

Did Sophie know something we did not? "could they be sailed with 3 national 12 sailors" (see earlier posting),


Bored inside 13 minutes? What do you do on a long slow beat?

Quote from above "Use a good quality brush (some use pant pads or rollers - I haven't ...."  just stick to brushes I say

The difficulties of being so fay!


The difficulties of being so fay!


Up North please- as per Little Bo - Ripon or York (or even Scaling Dam)!


Thanks for the report, excellent photos which do not attest to how windy it really was on saturday (and perhaps sunday but I wasn't there to witness It),

Team Homer playing with fresh horses - sorry, crews- should this be allowed!  well done again Team Simpson.

BMI must be a very crude measure as it makes no distinction between what a body is made of,  whether it be fat deposits or muscle.  I accept that muscle is easily prone to degenerating to fat but to label a 5'7" individual weighing 12st as over weight (with no fat to go) smacks of stupidity and should bring the measure of BMI to ridicule.  Are there any readers who can shed some reliable light on the issue?

On the other issue of crew with #1 crew at University I find getting a  regular crew to be quite difficult especially for opens  - last year dont think I sailed with the same crew more than 3 times and then not in a row.  Perhap the answer is to allow single handed sailing?  

Roger (trainee Pie Boy)

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