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Messages - GregPitt

Now I am feeling really bad about myself!!!!
We have made the sad choice not to go this weekend as we have just got home from holiday a day late due to cancelled flights!! and with the weather the way it is I think the drive from Glasgow could take a loong time. There is 8" of snow on the ground at Rutland just now.
If you are planning on going I would just check out befor you go as there has been a lot of chat about canning the event, check out Y&Y forum.
Wind forecast looks great for 12 sailing though, -2 all day saturday sounds fun!
Greg N3473
There are a few of the youth squad boats there but in my eyes it is seen as a good event for everyone to come together in all types of boats and have good racing, regardless if it is seen to be popular in our class. the other year there was everything from a foiling moth to a Themes A Rater and everything in between. It does atract a lot of the best sailors in the country so it must be a good thing to go race against them. there are not many chances in the year to race against that many different people, surley we should make an effort with these events. You never know maybe a 12 could do as well at this event as the Bloody Mary!!
Come along, anyone... everyone!!!
I have been going to the tiger for years and it is on of my favourate events of the winter! It is quite youth based but there is a huge veriety of boats going. Why shouldn't more 12's go?? great handicap boat, as proven at the weekend! good social well organised racing. We will be there trying to fly the flag for the 12's. Even though it will be our first official event in a 12!! could be interesting!! wish us luck! we are going to need it.
I would like to first say that I am delighted that the scottish championships are being hosted by Annandale. I have had some great experienses at the club and they always put 110% into an event.
I couldn't help notice that all the other major events in the country are included in the GIll series. I do understand that in the calander the scottish champs are within a week of Salcolmb (you couldn't go further without crossing water!) is this something that could perhaps  be considered? It strikes me that the meetings considered as the hightest profile are selected as the GILL series. If there were to be a GILL series meeting in Scotland, would this persuade peaople to Travel north of the border?!! It's a long drive but it's worth it!!! 
I have noticed that this event is not a favourate for the 12s. Would anyone be interested in making it any more than just us? This would relate really well to the thread about youth sailing in the fleet as this event i a really good social event for youths and gives really good handicap racing. 2nd weekend in feb i think. give it a go!! anyone intereted???????
Really good job by Sam293. Can I just say sorry for asking what as happening when you had already posted the notice. I am really happy with having some events on the sea and some on inland waters. Though I think the guy at Olton seem to deserve to host a youth event. I would say that this would be a great excuse for the youngters to take to the sea, even as young as 13. Largs for example is one of the best places I have sailed in the UK, I wouldn't call it open sea but it would give someone a good insight into tides, waves and all sort of fun things like that!!!
I would also just like to make sure that if I go to one of these events I will not be exempt from the main fleet.
This is a really possative encouraging move by the class I hope as many people make the effort with the eries as possible.
How far off the calender for 2009 are we? mainly the week long events salcombe etc.
Also I do have two compleated new sails that need someone with a tape measure to look at them. would this be possible to get done at one of the events early next year? or any other Ideas?
I agree make sure it is in the calender from the start of the year so everyone knows what they are doing.
I know it's a little late on now but I think thet your best bet for making this sucessfill is to run a youth series alongside other events but maybe hold a youth championship late on in the year when everyone can come together. Otherwise you are spreading too few people out over too many events. Also you don't want to disscourage younger class members from attending open meetings and racing against the top end of the fleet, That is one of the best ways of learning.
I would love to come to any youth meetings. I am 24 at the end of this year and my girlfriend who I asil with is 22 at almot the ame time. we are both free for the whole season as I work full time and my girlfriend is doing a PHD so has no exams this year. We would both be happy to help out where ever we can.
I do think running events independant of other open meetings would be a mistake as you will end up with events with few boat attending. Where as if you ran it in conjunction with other events you will increase numbers overall and and more importantly the profile of the class, thi i surely the number 1 goal. 
I am in huge favour! a properly organised youth fleet i the key to keeping a healthy fleet in the future.
We bough a 12 at the end of the season and are both under 25! but having saild that I personally think that 21 would be a better youth age limit. I really hope you get thi sorted for next year, I'm sure i don't just speak for myelf by saying that there will be loads of peaple willing to help out in any way possible. Good Work!
I'm sure this won't take long.. Can anyone tell me who is the person to measeure sails in Scotland? Any contact datails?
I am new to national 12 sailing and as a sailmaker I am currently spending a lot of time looking at photos, class rules, mast bends etc.... Before I started looking too closley I couldn't help noticing an ugly looking crease in every National 12 mainsail when sailing upwind in a bit of breaze. I'm not starting to realise why.
Basicly the width measurments permitted in the class rules are too large for the maximun lenght of battens permitted, meaning the battens are not long enough to support the roach of the sail. I know the width measurments were increased in recent years, would it have been in the interests of nice sail shapes to allow longer battens aswell??
This leads onto previous conversations about full length battens.... 
Would they be better for heavier weight crews?... No better than they would be for a lighter weight crew, but would give you a smoother sail than present class rules allow.
If your a lighter weight crew and you had the option of full lenght battens would you take them?... Yes of course you would. I can't think of a reason why not. Smooth sail, it would still allow you to depower, it would be as versatile as a standard sail both up and down wind. Thought I think the thing that would please the most people is that it would hold a good shape for a lot longer. Laminate cloths loose the mojority of their strength through floging.
Is this something the Class should seriously be considering and possibly something that should be bought up at an AGM?
Greg N3473  
Greg and Jo are planning on going, can't wait!
I work as a sailmaker in scotland and am currently doing a lot of development on national 12 sails as I have just bough one. To answer your question, yes the luff curve of a metal mast is different to a carbon one. This combined with your crew weight and what spec of sail you are after will enable a sailmaker to design the perfect sail for you! As for good second hand sails you will have to be carefull where they came from, Like you said you could end up with something that doesn't suit your mast, boat or what sailing you like to do.
Hope this helps a little. Look forward to seeing you sailing in scotland.
Greg N3473 
I have attended a number of national events along the same format and it has been a huge success. What will be the timing for races etc? Will we be able to have more than two races a day, due to the number of days being redeced?
I have just  bought my first 12 and am really looking forward to my first burton week. I am 23 and I am lucky enough to be working full time, so the thought of only taking a few days off is great! (even more time for sailing!) My helm is at uni but lucky enough not to be doing exams this year.
The format is great and the top priority has to be maintaining a healthy fleet. I am also in the mind that we need to encourage new members to the class, that has to mean attracting young people to a class that is not really known for it's youth fleet. 
Greg N3473
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