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Messages - JayHaich

We'll be there with Dead Cat.
Boats / Re: N3519 Dead Cat Bounce
03 Sep 2015, 05:31
Great Burton Week at Herne Bay 2015, the sun made an appearance too. Photo (c) Nick Champion
Is the 10:00 Saturday start due to tide time?  it is a bit grim for travellers.
With those scratches your case has had some grit in it at some point.  A good clean of board and case, then smooth with wet and dry, then check for tight / loose spots.  Sand back tight spots with paper glued on a board and pack loose with jap tape or velcro (hook side) glued in.  You need board to move smoothly and stay put throughout the range, makes a big difference to ease of boat handling.
Boats / Re: N3519 Dead Cat Bounce
02 Apr 2015, 12:27
And windy again at Burghfield, thanks to Jeremy Carey for photos.
Boats / Re: N3519 Dead Cat Bounce
14 Mar 2015, 04:21
I was lucky enough to acquire Dead Cat from Will and Sophie late last year, she's a goer (err, the boat is...).  
Breezy Bloody Mary 2015...
That link appears to offer only download, no obvious way to upload. Any ideas?  Happy  New Year,  Jeremy.
Will be there, 2 for dinner please.  Jeremy & Luke
Will be there with N3474.  Looking forward to Spinnaker delights, sailing with dry feet, etc.  I hear a certain multiple BW winner may be there too.  
Planning to come.  Any chance to get sails measured and mast bands checked before (preferably) or after this event?  Jeremy N3474.
Anyone doing this event? I was thinking of entering as it is on my doorstep, but others may be better qualified as class combatants...
Jeremy 3474 Master of Puppets
Yes we plan to bring Master of Puppets.
Trust you have booked sun & wind.
Free entry, rude to refuse.
Boats / Re: N3474 Master Of Puppets
06 Jun 2013, 09:05
BR 2013
Boats / Re: N3474 Master Of Puppets
06 Jun 2013, 09:00
Windy Burton Race 2013
My son's first event - quite proud of him!
I'd like to do this, crew wanted for N3474 Master of Puppets.  Jeremy.
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