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Messages - Michael

Call Jemma Spicer on 07791 004936. She is expecting your call.
Call "Lloyd, Sara" <> or call her on 01305 787222.  She is at Castle Cove YC and put a notice up there.  I know she had a couple of people interested.
Yep have put it all tpogether with an 8:1 led back to the thwart and it looks like it works pretty well.  Thanks for helping.
yes can see the knot, but that surely renders the block useless!
Hi,  Just about to put my lowers on.  Had envisaged one line running through the 2 blocks on the mast fitting to each gunwale.  Below the mast fitting in front of the mast there would be a single block through which this line runs.  This will then be connected to an 8:1.  So when tension is applied it is equally distributed to both lowers as they are one line running from gunwale to gunwale.  This is fine for restricting forward movement but will do nothing sideways.  The alternative would be to have one line from each side of exactly the same length linked straight to the purchase.  This way the load will be taken by the two lines unequally, with the shortest line taking more.  This will be more direct and deal with sideways bend to some degree.
Have i answered my own question?  I think the second solution is best!
Crew wanted for Burton Week. N3525 Dead Cat Bounce Design.  First Burton week for the helm so experienced crew will help a lot!
I'm looking for a crew for my new Dead Cat Bounce 12.  Kai, would you be interested?  I will contact Sara Lioyd and see if she has any volunteers.
Let me get them in the right order and then I will definitly!
I seem to have cracked this now bu using very thin wire which allows the outer to be pulled through much more easily.;D
Thanks.  Would be great if glue only works.  Will have a look around the forum now.
General National 12 chat / Slot Gaket
04 Feb 2010, 08:41
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<!--[endif]-->I have bought some aluminium keel bands from Allen Bros and was just going
to put the slot gasket under them and screw them in.  This seems a bit low
tech and will create unnecessary drag.  Has anybody got any better ideas? 
I have just noticed a special glue in the sailboats catalogue, but it's not
clear to me that by using this I can manage without the keel band.

Help appreciated
I am finding the fit out to be a long-winded and tricky process.  Much of this is because it's first time round for me I'm sure.  I'm having to put reinforcement in to take fittings because I now know exactly where I want them to go.  Second time arround the biulder would put pads in where I want them and put fittings on under the thwart before the thwart goes in.  Believe me it's a hard job working under there!  I will be done by the Dinghy Show and will launch the following weekend at Datchet I think.
Yes it will be there.  Whats the eta on yours?
Dear All, What a helpfull lot you are!  Now my mast may be delayed so I will be concentrating on fitting out the hull when I get it next week.  Come to think of it i had better post a few more things on the forum such as jib halliard adjustment!
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