National 12

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Messages - Carbonara

Who is going to Yorkshire Dales on Sunday? Weather looks OK (much less windy than last year). Are we going to see Ed Storey's new N12 in action?
Patrick Hamilton
Thanks to our visitors for coming. We had some good sailing despite rather grey conditions. Well done Philip David and Emma Hampshire winning all three races.
1st Philip David and Emma Hampshire
2nd Patrick Hamilton and Gail Kaye
3rd John and Alison Cheetham
4th Tim and Christopher Hampshire

Hope to see everyone at Yorkshire Ouse on 4th June.
Three boats confirmed so far. I hope Dave Peacock, Paul Turner and Paul Brotherton can make it. Unfortunately Howard Chadwick and Brian Herring say they can't. Perhaps we may get a few more visitors from Yeadon?
Wind forecast looks OK.
Only two weeks to the Burwain open meeting. I hope we can get a good turnout like last year. There is a Streaker open on the same day so we are starting at 1100.
If you can come please let me know so we can plan the food.
Look forward to seeing you.

Patrick Hamilton
I think all the northern N12 sailors have been reminded about this event via email but in case there are any potential attendees not on the email list we have a quorum of seven boats expected. Wind looks good. It would be great to see a few more boats. Starts at 11am.
Patrick Hamilton
Hi Tim
I am planning to stay for dinner and possibly camping as well.
Hi all
I am looking for a crew to sail with me in Carbonara N3502. Any volunteers or ideas for people to ask?
Patrick Hamilton
Hi Will
Please could you let us know the planned start time on Saturday?
Any National 12s planning on going to Bass week this year? Planning to go for the first weekend 30/31st July but not sure which boat to take.

Patrick Hamilton
Hi all
Planning to have the first race at 12 noon ,a bit later than normal to fit in with club races, so no need to rush. Can do one race then two after lunch or a larger number of shorter races if competitors prefer that format. Food will be available. Probably Chilli con carne with rice or a selection of baked potatoes with fillings/salad. If you would be going for a vegetarian option please let me know.
According to the BBC weather forecast it will be a lot warmer next weekend.
Look forward to seeing everybody.
Hi all
The majority decision is to stick with Sunday 8th may. The club team racing event has been rescheduled anyway. We have eight boats confirmed. Didn't notice until now that we are clashing with Trent valley. Sorry Paul. I think Brian Herring is the only vintage sailor who might be torn between the two.
Hi Helen
Thanks for looking out for crews. Rosie White has volunteered to sail with me so sorted now. Look forward to seeing you in sunny Salcombe.
Burwain Sailing Club are very happy to welcome the N12 fleet for an open meeting but have to run this alongside other events in the club sailing programme. A club team racing event has had to be rescheduled and it looks like it will be run on 8th May. It would be better if we could run the N12 open with the normal format racing on Saturday 7th May. Please could anyone who is thinking of coming let me know if they can still make it if we re-arrange for Saturday 7th May.

Any volunteers for crewing at the forthcoming Gul event at Salcombe? Comfortable boat. Safe driver.

Patrick Hamilton
I am planning to come but need to find a crew.