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Messages - Mikey C

Finally got broadband sorted out so just posting to let you all know that we have moved!

New address:

Aardvark Technologies
Unit 29 Knightcott Industrial Estate
North Somerset
BS29 6JN

hopfully new phone and home addy will have made it into the handbook...

I didnt even have a rack on my last boat - adjustment is overrated...
carbon is pricey at the mo, if you are going to play with cedar as a core, you can get away with some glass fibre instead as it is loads cheaper.... Especially if there is a minimum order qty...

If you need any more advice, keep asking!



Sorry Jimbo, I meant 3031! too much time readin the forum, and not enough time with the sails up...
Not really, very very stiff...
It didnt need to be constructive, it was an exclamation of shock.
Not to mention all proceeds to a good cause...

I will be there, but in my silly spare boat!

Mikey C
Moth 4075
N3XXX work in progress
I would say ask jimmy, but we all know he didnt quite live as far north as that...

Welcome back Mr Sutton

General National 12 chat / Re: Fixtures
06 Mar 2006, 01:37
I thought it was a bit rude of Pitsford to put their Gill open in the same month as a quality event like Trent Valley!

Maybe the current wide boats have developed themselves into a corner where they no longer suit the events that the 12's are 'ideal' at...

Sounds good...
Its not really as to whether you like it or not, as to what your ideas for the future of the class are, because I really hope it will have changed over the next 5 years, and with the rules as they are, it will not....
Thanks for all your comments, all quite helpfull, and yes David, a spinnaker has been considered - will probably build the boat to take one, but still fit in 'normal' 12 rules... I think something around the size of a 400 kite would be about right!



General National 12 chat / Concept 12
23 Dec 2005, 02:13
If people were given free reign over their new boat and given the opportunity to ignore some rules to create a better boat, what would they do and why?

I would free up the sailplan and just measure actual area to create a modern looking rig.
More full battens to give better sail life.
Daggerboard to free up the cockpit and reduce cost.
remove need to jib halyard (pet peeve - who ever drops their jib on the water...)
Maybe get rid of some weight 5-10 Kilos.

I am basically looking for a dispensation to build a boat outside of current rules incorporating ideas to bring the class up to date where I feel it should be. If people have other ideas, or think I am going to be wasting my time and money then please say so....

Look forwards to everyones replies!

Mike Cooke
N3xxx - tba

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