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Messages - Jimbo42

Hi folks!

I have recently applied for a yardstick number for my Tigress for the Ammersee in Germany. Since there is no international yardstick for the 12, the local committee have taken the Portsmouth Yardstick number for the 12 and compared the value with that given for (internationally) recognised boats sailing in the same or similar waters in Germany. I am having difficulty in convincing the local committee that my Tigress is not the same as the fast types who have been given a very low German yardstick, effectively putting me into a class far faster than poor old Nutty Shell deserves. Any suggestions as to how I might proceed? I read somewhere that there was a suggestion in 2003 to give AC boats such as mine (built 1980) the value of 1130 (Portsmouth). Have there been any further developments to date?

Jim N3130 (getting a little too much "stick" and not enough "yard" at the moment)

Ted, you have the right attitude towards attracting the crowds - however, the 12 enjoys a special niche in British sailing, partly due to "its" design and partly due to its development history. This has  always been decided in a democratic way. The major question to be answered at this juncture I think is whether the class can absorb another subclass within it, now that we have Vintage, AC and self-drainers and what might happen to racing, given that the new developments will give the owners of such boats a competitive edge. ? Perhaps we might need yardsticks.....  Another question is of course, our status as a National class. Might it be that because we are not internationally recognised as a class and cannot compete internationally  we are at a dissadvantage in attracting "young blood" right from the start?  

Jim N3130    :-/
Thanks for your reassuring words John.

Jim N3130 (Nutty Shell)


Have a chock up before the mast, so not much rake there. I think the slack washing line (OOPS! lowers) were never having an effect.... Have sent you a message to hotmail.

All the best,

Jim (Jimbo41) N3130
Mike! Thanks! Just ordered a tin with No. 9 thinnner.

Happy New Year!

Jim N3130
Oops! that should read Jimbo41!
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