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Messages - Mikey C

Youve read it right. The rule is there to effectively guarantee that boats are of a sailable waterline width.

The 40 - 150 bit is to make allowances for older boats that still have bilge keels - I believe this was added when the hollows rules were tidied up.

Would be interested to see what you come up with!


Mike Cooke
N3489 Radical Edward
And where is the buddy list/entry list/form guide?!

And there seem to be an awfull lot of people planning on following Tom - surely someone is planning on beating him this year?! My only practice recently has been Moth sailing, so maybe not me...

Should be a great week

Mike C
3489 Radical Edward
It wont help much when you are already nosediving, but I like to heat it up a bit on runs like that, If you can get some apparent wind going nosediving is a less likely occurance (prevention better than cure if you ask me), although that option almost certainly means an extra gybe or two so it depends on course size as to if you can get away with it...

Footloops are good - I have one on each side to lock into - obviously not quite as tall as Mike D...

Practice is the best solution mind!


Mike C
3489 Radical Edward
Would love to be there, but would also love to be sailing Moths in Wales somewhere - have heard great things about Filey, so hope you all have a good time!

Mike C
3489 Radical Ed
GBR4075 Wasabi the pimp ninja
General National 12 chat / Re: Ratchet
25 Jun 2005, 12:28
I am assuming my email isn't working, as I haven't been inundated with articles for the next Ratchet so unless everyone wants to read all the event reports they have no doubt seen on the web already...

So, we need 35 boats there basically just to really throw them a curve. Maybe they might give us a reasonable refund on the entry fee for a large number of boats...

Sounds like a challenge to me - I'm in if theres another 34 boats too!


Mike C
I'm not sure you will get many replies when they see you like the crazy frog thingy...

or maybe I'm just getting old!

General National 12 chat / Ratchet
06 Jun 2005, 08:55
I am doing a Ratchet for the end of June - if anyone has anything they would like to contribute please get in touch.

Abersoch preview would be nice from anyone who has been before
Form guide?!

that sort of thing,


Mike C
N3489 Radical Edward
mike 'at' or numbers in the handbook...
Emma and Myself will be doing both, please provide lots of cake for the trip over to Brighton afterwards!

Thames area?


Mike C
N3489 Radical Edward
Yup, will be there... Weston is a great venue and friendly club - sharing the event with Moths and Cherubs too so should be quite a sight!


Mike C
N3489 Radical Edward
As long as it isnt rocket science hey Mr iiles....

I think the light wind thing is one of those nice myths fired around from time to time. I got soundly beaten by a well sailed 200 on Boxing Day at Nottingham, and it wasnt using its spinnaker! Its not something I admit to, but if a big roached fully battened sailed boat can go faster than my 'river boat' (in the broadest sense of the word, Edward is anything but...) in a light airs roll tacking race, then I'm all for it...

Thing is we all look at a skiff's poor light airs performance and say it must be rubbish, whereas it is actually the whole skiff package that is a bit pants in light airs, not just the rig.

Pros - longer sail life, less noisy and offputting for the kids, less silly creases from sticking silly area in silly places, more attractive looking rig (SELLING PONT = MORE PEEPS INTERESTED),

Cons - possible expense, but as a Moth mainsail is cheaper by a long shot, and not much smaller I doubt it...

Can someone who knows how, measure the actual area of one of our sets of sails (inc 'unmeasured') and tell us what it really is. We then say that is our sail area, we must have two sails, and they must stay within the rig height rule, and not extend over the transom/bow, allow three battens, in any arrangement, I will shut up and go sailing, all is peachy!

Mikey C

PS - I was the last person to sail with the Alverbank fully battened sail - it was fine, although it was made to fit existing cross width measurements, so defeated the object - I had no problems sailing with it on the river at Nottingham at the time.
To Mr If you want it,

The great thing about this is that by having a nice friendly (Well, it would be if I knew who you were...) discussion on this topic, is that we can establish what is likely to be acceptable to the fleet in general - while no one in particular has been that fussed either way about rotating masts, there have been a few people plussing on maybe aiming for a battened rig.
No one wants to waste their time and money at the end of the day, and the class has to have a bit of interest in the topic to even consider moving in that direction.

So - next topic. Full batttens? Keep the sail area the same, move to measuring actual area, free up the cross widths and allow 3 full length battens. Performance is likely to increase, sail lives are likely to increase, and less kids will be scared out of their minds before launching on a nice F4+ because of all the flapping! (I know, I've been there too....)


Mike C
3489 Radical Edward
Looks like Phil will be drinking for free on saturday night!

Thanks Phil


Looks like it might be lonely up north?!

Does anyone know of any measurers in attendance? Shiny new sails to sort...

Sunshine and a F3/4 due... all they need now is cake!


Mike C
N3489 Radical Edward
Me and Emma will be there - nice civilised start time...



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