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Messages - Kevin


There is not a straight Yes/No type answer to your question as holidays are set by the local education authority (usually at county level but by the town, e.g. Southend, if it has Unitary Authority status) with individual schools being able to vary the precise dates within a couple of days. In most cases, 2008 dates are unlikely to have been finalised yet.

To complicate matters, some schools/authorities are contemplating switching to the six term year within the next year or two which will completely mess up the planning and it will then not be safe to assume that every school will be on holiday for the whole of August.

Finally, private schools do generally start holidays earlier and finish them later.


The first Gill series event isn't until 31 March/1 April.

Sorry to disappoint you guys, but whilst the fixtures have gone to the printer, I have not had a chance to prepare the web-site version to pass on to Graham to post. I was going to do it tonight but have only just got in, so looks like it will now be the weekend.

Both the Silver National and Burton Cup have been won by a boat being crewed by someone with a pacemaker, so there is obviously a precedent there. Alternatively, there could be a retrospective disqualification resulting in Tom and Liz getting another win to their names!

All I can say is that I am very POSITIVE about sailing with Jane at the Royal Harwich mini-series this weekend - a weekend when my home club does not have any racing scheduled - and for the foreseeable future!

The Electric Prune - N3491

Still for sale at a very reasonnable price! See separate thread for details.

This is something I agree needs better definition. In a simial vein, when is a vintage boat not a vintage boat? Is it okay to replace lumps of wood, centreboards, etc with carbon or should the ruling be that each boat has to be original as built when new. A bit difficult to enforce wooden masts and cotton sails though.

I feel what we need is a guiding principle rather than a defining rule which will always have loopholes for those creative enough to exploit them.

An email was sent out last night to everyone who is included on the Gill series mailing list. I have been trying to work out how to get the same information onto this discussion board but failed as it includes a couple of spreadsheets. The contents of the email will form the basis for a discussion at this weekend's committee meeting which may, OR MAY NOT, lead to changes in the format and/or scoring of the GILL series next year. If you would like the opportunity to comment on these before Saturday, please drop me an email on kiles1uk @ yahoo . co . uk (remove spaces)  and I will email you what has already been sent out.

Drysuit, back to Typhoon as Rick suggests.

Undersuit, at the risk of being branded sexist, sounds like a job for a female Gunton in return for a meal at her favourite restaurant (may be cheaper to buy a new suit).

Knee, go to your local chandlers, buy yourself some whipping twine, a sailmaker's needle and palm and do-it-yourself!!!


Thanks David, I am pleased you enjoyed the series, that is what it is intended to be all about. We should also thank GILL, especially Nick, Terry & Nigel for all their support during the year. It is their involvement that make the series possible for us.

Results will be winging their way to our web-master for posting on the web-site later today.

Proposals for POSSIBLE changes to the GILL series (nothing has been decided yet) will be posted this evening for all to see.


I have emailed both you and Brian with what I believe to be his email address.

First start will be 11.00. I am in the process of finalising a few points with the club and should be able to post full details here tomorrow (probably a new thread). My fault it is so late, I have been rather busy of late.

I am all in favour of derestricting the weight for AC boats but leaving double bottom boats "heavy". It would save me from spending a load of money buying a new boat as I could dump the lead, remove a load of the wood from N3373 which would make her at least competitive with the modern boats and probably leave them standing even though the hull shape is fundamentally not as fast as the current designs. There would not be any possibility of more than two others doing this with the same benefits as only two additional boats were built in the same way and they are both owned by people whose ideas take a few years to come to fruition.

It would of course mean the value of these boats on the 2nd hand market would escalate, all development cease, the wishes of the majority (expressed at all the recent AGMs) for a period of stability swept aside and more people becoming disillusioned.

On the other hand, people could just resign themselves to the fact that even in one-design classes older boats are not as competitive as new ones and unless they are either lucky enough for money to be no object or willing to make sacrifices elsewhere, they are not going to be competing with T&L or G&Z but should just enjoy sailing a boat that beats all others for handling on the water, friendliness off it and allows an enormous amount of freedom to fit out however appeals most to each individual.

N3491 - still for sale at a modest price
N3373 - NOT for sale!!!
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Well, we managed a respectable 6th overall at the Inlands at Scaling Dam so, for all those who missed out, the next chance to see the potential of this modestly priced, fully fitted boat will be the final GILL series event of 2007 at Grafham. Full details of that event will be posted on a separate thread next week.

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