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Messages - JohnMurrell


Launch from Batson - its easier and the rest will be going out from there. Smalls doesn't exist at the moment - too many big tides and much too much rain have washed it away............................

And as to what I am building - that would be foolish to give the game away, people might take an  issue with the design, what ever it won't be the final chapter in my Twelve career before I go to sea in a man of war - cryptic enough?
Boats / Re: N929 Angels Delight
22 Mar 2007, 03:30
Another restored classic!
Boats / Re: N4 Ruff
22 Mar 2007, 03:28
Recieved in post this morning!
Looks like our German contingent has hit the Gluhwein early today!

Jim I have been too busy boatbuilding recently to gossip!

Racing over Easter is confined to Saturday afternoon - 14.00hrs start and there should be at kleast 4 boats to show you where the marks are!!!!!!!!!!
Boats / Re: N2405 Complex
16 Mar 2007, 07:26
Complex is currently residing between my and Chris Winzar's workshops!

Nick Tyler gave me this Y&Y report when I collected her. Makes interesting reading.

For a 42 year old boat she's not in bad nick. I believe that she has been sailed on the Exe at Lympstone - stickers on the transom bear witness to this - but shes not been on the water for a few years. Looks like the rear tank has been relaced, the hatch covers in the pics don't exist anymore, but apart from that she looks very much like she did in the Y&Y report which I believe dates fron 1965.

We are not sure exactly how she will be used this year - watch this space!

Just to stop you getting too bored, I have just added this page to the SYC website!

We do have a number on old photo's of Twelves sailing in and around Salcombe, they are all famed and its not really possible to get them scanned, but if you are in Salcombe come into the Club, they are available for anyone to see.

Boats / Re: N2600 White Heather Too
12 Mar 2007, 04:36
Drawings published in Yachting & Boating Weekly (who remembers that one?) in 1972. I never saw the finished boats.
Mr Braithwaite, sorry Brethwick!  you shouldn't worry too much; last year when we were still a National Class the name National 12 had already become bastardised to 12'!!!!
Philip, correct except that I very much doubt the RYA would talk to a Class Assn about it!! I may be wrong but Ken is adamant that there is no manafacturer input to PY's so by inference the same applies to a Class Owners Assn.......................

You raise an interesting question!

Firstly there is a percieved belief that Portsmouth Yardstick Numbers are unalterable when in fact the opposite is the case! Clubs chose not to change them because of the hassle it creates when numbers do get changed! I suspect that Burghfield are really looking at skill factors here and not reflecting the average midfleet Joe; remember who the Burghfield fleet are!

Twelves sail off a Secondary Yardstick because not enough Clubs put in annual returns, according to Ken Kershaw only 200 returns were recieved last year and I suspect very few clubs that have Twelves in their handicap fleet did.

To make things interesting in Salcombe this year I am running a seperate handicap class for our Twelves using the numbers published in the Yearbook ( that I will be sailing 3003 off 1130 against the Foolishes at 1093 doesn't come into it!) I will be looking at these very closely for this years annual return and suggest that we all ensure that our Sailing Committees do submit returns - even if we have to volunteer to do the job ourselves, yes its a hassle but ultimately surely worth it!?

Clubs sailing Twelves in Handicap classes should piont out to their Sailing Committees the comment from RYA Technical on P1 of the Portsmouth Number List 2007 where is says ' * Development classes where the Portsmouth Number is likely to vary depending on the age and design of the boats. Clubs should consider adjusting the Number where it does not reflect the performance of a particular boat (excluding Crew Skill Factor )

Interestingly the RS200 has a Primary Number so again I suspect that again its a skill factor problem - no I am NOT knocking them.........
Boats / Re: N3295 Battle Tactics
08 Mar 2007, 05:41
I have always enjoyed this sequence I took at the Avon Open in April 2003, apologies to Tim and Emma!
A good cheezzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeeeeeee grin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Boats / Re: N3326 Toucan 2
06 Mar 2007, 06:21
Joined the growing Salcombe Fleet in the middle of last year and has been sailing regularly . Renamed Toucan Too

Owned by Nigel and Wendy Blazeby
Boats / Re: N3381 Moby Quick
06 Mar 2007, 12:44
Salcombe 5th Aug 2006
Sailed by Norman and Karen Brown
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