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Messages - 3513SL

A great initiative from the Commodore, although I come in at a mere 23!
The weekend is being shared with the larks and fireflies as per usual, although this year we have created the weekend into a slight,y larger event with lasers, wayfarers and maybe phantoms too. It won't be a weekend to miss, with camping on site and evening entertainment planned!
I look forward to seeing many of you there!
Started to get 3513 de-rigged and ready for towing to next weekend's Gul event at Brightlingsea but rain stopped us mid flow, just got the undercover in and mast down.
Thanks to all for a brilliant event, my first Gul series open in my own 12.
The next round of Sprint racing is on April 19th at RHYC, ask Antony for further details!
Boats / Re: N3513 Silver Lining
28 Mar 2015, 11:10
Originally sailed by Tom Stewart and then sold to Christian Day. Chris let me borrow the boat for the Northampton SC 12 Open in 2014, and now 3513 is now owned by me, as of January 2015 - and is my first 12.
The boat was sold in perfect working order with a some great kit. The boat will now be based at the Royal Harwich Yacht Club and will also compete in the National 12 Gul Series.
3513 will be making an appearance - the first race(s) at her new home club.
Surely you can get someone sailing the desgin 8 too?!
It is looking to be a brilliant event!
I too have now got a crew, looking forward to the first 12 event and first sail in my new 12 !
Sounds good, I'll be there in 3513, crew TBA !
If there is a spare crew who is looking to crew on 28th March and throughout the year I could be tempted to bring the 12 down to Burghfield, all offers welcome!
Need to buy another tent for this year, the bank holiday Monday's weather tested how waterproof the last one was, which got left at Pevensey. Thanks to Tom for providing accomoation in the back of his Mazda after the Burton Dinner!
I too am very much looking forward to helming my new boat on the sea....lots of practice to do before then!
Very good to read, highly informative. Brilliant contributions and great work to all involved.
Boats / Re: N3521 The Ginger Pudding
26 Mar 2015, 09:24
Burton Week 2011 - Brightlingsea.
Boats / Re: N3500 Crazy Diamond
26 Mar 2015, 09:21
2nd photo of Crazy Diamond at Brightlingsea - Burton Week 2011.
Boats / Re: N3500 Crazy Diamond
26 Mar 2015, 09:20
Crazy Diamond at Burton Week 2011, Brightlingsea.
Boats / Re: N3512 Alpha Male
26 Mar 2015, 09:18
2nd photo of Alpha Male - Burton Week 2011, Brightlingsea.
Boats / Re: N3512 Alpha Male
26 Mar 2015, 09:18
Alpha Male at Burton Week 2011 - Brightlingsea.
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