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Messages - Mikey C

Will be ace! ;D
I am currently bimbling away sorting loads of bits on Radical Edward in time for the first Gill series of the year!

See you all there...

Mike C
N3489 Radical Edward
Easier, but nowhere near as fun...

PS - Tom, would like to see you dress up as a girl. Maybe a challenge for Bristol?



Do you mean super shrew? what are they feeding you down there Jimmy?

There can be only one....


And I'm sure her name was Rachel, and you dont look a bit like her Tom...

Ratchet is still looking a bit thin on the ground at the moment, so if anyone fancies writing some quick short notice articles for me it would be much appreciated.

Im sure the job description was editor, not content scribbler!

Thanks everyone

Mike Cooke
N 3489 Radical Ed
Well, you could always post the picture on here... either that or maybe its time for a new censor free Ratchet editor?!

It wasn't as good as the photo of Grazz, Zoe and I think Felix balancing said balloons on noses....

Thats definitely going in Ratchet, mainly as proof that maybe Graham hasn't grown up as much as we suspected!



I was going to vote for my old Foolish because it seemed like such a long time ago!

I presume I can count on some orders fairly soon then!!!


Mike C - Vote BI 2
General National 12 chat / Ratchet plea
07 Mar 2005, 02:18
Hi folks,

I have to get a Ratchet to print fairly shortly - If anyone has anything they would like to share with the fleet then please get it to me by the end of the week...


Mike Cooke
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