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Messages - 3513SL

Happy New Year all, I look forward to coming along to more events this year - perhaps in my own boat !
I certainly enjoyed helming in my first 12 open meeting! - Northampton is a great club.
Many thanks to Chris for the letting me borrow boat and Sophie for crewing !
I'll be there on the Sunday!
General National 12 chat / Re: Training
09 Nov 2014, 09:43
I echo Neal's words, fantastic day yesterday.
Thanks to Christian and Tom & family, very helpful and informative.
Also thanks to Antony for the boat, now time to find my own....
Boats / Re: N1612 Waxwing
03 Nov 2014, 09:46
Currently on ebay (Nov, 2014) under the same advert as above.
All are cordially invited to take part in RHYC's Winter Series, starting on 26th October and running every sunday until 14th December.

It is the perfect opportunity to visit the new clubhouse and taste the new winter menu if you haven't done so already, with the added bonus of free dinghy park storage until Boxing Day!
More information can be found here:
See you there!
General National 12 chat / Re: Training
06 Oct 2014, 07:11
Thanks for the confirmation Tom.
Still looking for crew for this......
Boats / Re: N3174 Doris
29 Sep 2014, 08:54
For Sale on eBay in September / October 2014
Description stated:
"Unfortunately the boat was damaged in last years floods, and requires repair to both gunnels, cockpit sole, and underside near bailers (see photos). The deck needs re-varnishing and there are no sails or trolley included, hence advertised for spares or repairs."
General National 12 chat / Re: Training
23 Sep 2014, 10:25
I am planning to attend this event but require a crew, any offers? 
Potentially looking for a crew for more events too.....
Quote from: 189 the number of 12s currently for sale on Apollo Duck  given the size of the class give cause for concern?

At lot more 12s for sale than Larks / Fireflies
As a new crew, I'd buy the right boat if I could find a regular crew... the boats are certainly attractive in what they do and the class is friendly.
General National 12 chat / Re: Training
10 Sep 2014, 10:54
Quote from: 572How does 8th November sound.

Sounds good to me, but a Sunday would be preferable!
General National 12 chat / Re: Training
03 Sep 2014, 10:32
Quote from: Antony (Guest)George,
You can probably borrow ours if yours has gone West by then.....!

Very kind offer Antony!!! In that case all I would need is a crew!
General National 12 chat / Re: Training
03 Sep 2014, 03:41
I'd be keen, not sure I'd have a boat to sail though!
Two videos from BW 2014, filmed by Pevensey Bay SC on youtube:
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