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Messages - Kevin

If I understand you correctly yachtcrazy, you are saying that just because you capsized you are breaking your National 12. That seems a little extreme to me. Can you please elaborate a little more? Are you sure that you are not the one who should be considering some repairs?

Also, if you are serious in getting rid of some gear it would help to know the design and sail number so the rest of us have some idea of what might be available.

I hear that Tom & Liz got two firsts today which means they have won the week with two days to spare.
Domination or what? Either way a tremendous feat.
Hate to rubbish your estimates Fran, and at the risk of incurring my daughter's wrath for going public with this, but I understand that Richard and Lindsey will "comfortably" qualify for the Tubs trophy which starts at 21 stone. As for the rest, I couldn't possibly say.

When I spoke with Lindsey last night she indicated that she thought there are 46 boats at Porthpean.

I am glad it's not just me that's sitting here frustrated at the no go area for mobiles they are sailing in this year. Good job Graham's there otherwise it would be even more agonising.

Who are these people with the same sirname as me? There is a Lindsay and a Lindasy Iles, both of whom seem to be doing very well by sharing the same helm as my daughter, LINDSEY!

Try pulling the kicker on before you tack. This does not guarantee the batten will flick over but it usually works as you roll tack. Don't forget to let it off again immediately afterwards though.

Hi Dan,

Good to see you back again. If you are now in Reading then I would have thought it has to be Burghfield S.C. for you where the likes of Caroline Martin, Graham & Zoe and the White family are all members. If you call one of them I am sure they will help you out.

... are now available on the GILL section of this site.

A little more interesting now the 2nd discard has kicked in.

As usual, please let me know of any errors and they will be corrected for next time.

Kevin N3491
Just a reminder that this weekend sees your next chance to get some Pre-Burton Week sea sailing in.

Kevin - 3491
Due to the clash with a designer wedding, which will be prominently attended by members of the class, it has been decided to cancel the planned open meeting at THORPE BAY in September.
INSTEAD, the class is being invited to attend the regatta on 15/16 JULY and the Thames Estuary Championship trophy will be awarded for this event. Although the regatta is normally more of a family oriented affair than the open meeting, there will be "proper" racing on the sea - one of the last chances for pre-Burton week training. The Notice of Race may be found by following the link on

It would help if those who expect to take part in the regatta would let me know as soon as possible, especially if you want to partake of the Hog Roast on Saturday evening.

Please note that although the entry is FREE, you will have to pay for food!

Kevin Iles
Seems things are moving a little faster than I anticipated here!

As suggested by Jim, the idea is to investigate the chartering of a large trailer (10 boats?), towing vehicle and driver to deliver the boats for us. This would have the dual advantage of minimising ferry costs and allowing those who prefer to fly in and out to do so whilst others who would rather drive may do so without the complication of continental trailing regulations to worry about. At present, I have not had time to explore the likely costs but hope to do so in the next few weeks.

The idea is to have a relaxed fun time for both families and couples. Timing is obviously important but other than aiming for a school holiday and combining with some form of local regatta if possible, everything has yet to be decided.

Please do post your thoughts here. I will update the details when I have a little more to report.

.... are now available on the GILL series section of this site.

Many thanks to those who advised me of errors after Northampton, I believe these have all been addressed but if anyone notices any more, please let me know.

Next GILL series event is Filey on 8/9 July with a programme designed so that even those of us in the South East have a decent chance to get home and see the World Cup final. More details shortly.

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