National 12

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Messages - rick perkins

I am interested in a second hand Numinious or Feeling Foolish.

If anyone has one they wish to sell please email me at or call 01227 861049 or 07763 133399.

Must have a SuperSpar Carbon mast.


[quote by=angus link=Blah.cgi?b=Cool,m=1156107862,s=6 date=1156923325] If you want somthing off the shelf that is going to go straight to the top you are maybe looking at the wrong class.[/quote]

Are you telling me to go and find a different class? :(

All I am asking is what gear are the top guys using to help me with my choice - in other classes they usually compile a gear guide after the nationals which is often published in Y&Y ... is their one of these for the N12?


I am think of buying a boat but there is no way I am going to buy one unless I have some confidence that I am getting the right design for our weight.

Just saying 17-23 is OK isn't very helpful - I'd hope to be competitive but given the diversity of the designs  and rigs I had hoped to find a bit of data or guidance on designs and rigs.

The starting point for joining any class is to understand the weight/equipment combinations of the top teams; are you guys trying to keep that to yourselfs?

Bump ...
[quote by=philipcosson link=Blah.cgi?b=Cool,m=1156083979,s=26 date=1156339402]theymustalleatalotofgrapefruit


No space bar?

What designs are the below using and what are their weights?

1) Graham & Zoe
2) Ian & Alex
3) Tom & Liz
4) Richard & Lindsey
5) Tim & Sam  


What is NWNW?
Here are some questions that I can't find the answers to on the website;

1) What is the ideal weight for each of the prevalent modern designs?

2) Is there any record of which designs/sailmakers have performed best over the last 3 years?

3) How many boats do you get at your average open meeting?

4) I assume all the top guys using carbon spars, which manufactures feature at the front of the fleet?

