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Messages - MikeDay

Boats / Re: N3403 Z
21 Mar 2007, 05:36
Nigel Waller built Z for us in 1993 and we launched the boat at the Gorey Regatta in Jersey in 1994.  Nigel did a great job on the build and we had Z right the way through to the end of 2002, having done 6 Burton Weeks with a best place 17th overall at Harwich.  Throughout almost the whole of its life, Z has been sailed offshore in Jersey, where I used to live and won lots of regatta and club handicap trophies there.  We sold the boat in Jersey and it's still there.

Mike D
Boats / Re: N3496 Flipside
21 Mar 2007, 05:24
Flipside is our current boat - my 12th 12 - built in carbon by Brett Dingwall in a shed just off the M25 in Hertfordshire over the winter of 2004-05, and the boat is a complete joy.  The mast is by Chipstow, the board by Kevin Driver and Kevan made the sails. So far in two seasons we've done a load of open meetings around the Thames area and beyond, and a Salcombe Week, and have won more in this boat than any other we have sailed.  Numinouses are devlilishly quick in light airs and I'm at a loss as to why more haven't been built.

Mike D
Flipside and I are hoping to be there but Anne's otherwise committed.  Anyone (max 9 stone-ish) fancy a sail with me, making allowances for the fact that this will be my first time out this season?  Post here or email to  Thanks ...

Mike D
Er, prefer that you don't title new threads with provocative words ... had instant "aarrghh, not that one again" before seeing entirely innocent message about one of my favourite venues!

Mike D
Boats / Re: N3241 Emotional Fish
18 Feb 2007, 12:10
Emotional Fish was built by Nigel Waller - epoxy over strip cedar hull and no foredeck with a space frame.  I owned the boat in 1992 and did the Exmouth Burton that year - there's a terrific photo of Anne and I in a flat out plane from the windy Tuesday race which now features in the Twelve history video - I was pretty much out of control at that point and looking at the shot, should have let off the kicker a bit.  Sold the boat in 1993 to a guy at Ranelagh - don't know what happened after that.

Mike D
As above, max travel vital for dead run to get the boom as far forward as poss.  Actually, it's the lowers meeting the kicker which prvents my boom going any further.  I also use 3:1 above deck - it works well.  Our strings exit on to the top of the plate case and cleat just in front of the thwart.  That way, they're accessible for helm and crew, most of the time.  You want a block after the cleat so it can be pulled in from any angle.

Mike D
Boats / Re: N1766 Quip
26 Mar 2007, 06:55
This was my first 12 - it's a Proctor Mark 6 and was deathly slow in my hands back in 1968 against the boats of the time.  Quip was also Tony Edwards' first boat three or four years earlier.

Mike D
er, burgee ...?

Mike D
Matthew - it's a great ambition to build a 12 from scratch - but think and plan carefully first.  Dare Barry is the most experienced amateur builder out there and has learnt lots from all his Puddings - make sure you read his stuff elsewhere on this site and maybe talk to him as well.  I have never contemplated building a Twelve but I do know that getting a new boat to measure does require a degree of care.  As for designs, consult the design guide and then pick your designer.  Bim Daser has more boats winning things than anyone at the moment and will sell you plans for any of his three designs.  He occasionally posts on this site, or I can let you have his email address.  Alternatively, you could go to Phil Morrison, Mike Jackson or indeed Dare himself.  Good luck!

Mike D
The Thames Area series gets under way with the traditional season opener at Ranelagh on Sunday 21st January.  Start time for the one long race is 14.30 - if the wind's light, bring an anchor and sleeping bags!

Mike D
Terrific performance by Graham and Zoe, and Caroline and Andy.  Fuller report here:

Mike D
Ditto from me to all 12 sailors, especially devotees of the discussion board.  My sailing resolution for 2007 is simply to get the boat on the water on more days than in 2006.  Now if all 12 owners could do that, we'll have a great season.

Mike D
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