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Messages - JohnMurrell

Boats / Re: N2695 Pooh Sticks
07 Feb 2007, 04:02
Originally called Kno Idia.

Dave took so long to build her and people were always popping into his workshop in Island Street and asking, amongst other things,  what he was going to call her to which he alway replied that he had no idea........................................

He remembers swimming around the Estuary very well, he never got the knack of keeping the rig above the boat on a fast reach. For those with long memories Whispers had a habit of lulling you into a false sense trust  and then suddenly back heeling to windward just when you weren't execting it!

Me too - well thats how many I can count to on my fingers..................................

Possibly the point is people of the same sort of mind set getting together, enjoying sailing together - possibly competitively -  having  good fun and a couple of sherberts, and letting people from other classes (SMOD's?) see some of the history of the sport that they are partaking of.

By the way the AA do a very good atlas / roadmap  of the UK and it ain't expensive......................................
Emma and James,

From what you say do you believe, like me, that the SW ends at Bristol? Its down to the semantics of what is the West Country and what is the South West.

Personally I think that the SW Area should be a line from Bristol down to Weymouth, outside of that its basically the Thames Valley, hence Thames Area?

Its too easy to look at a map of Devon and Cornwall and draw a conclusion that we have easy communcations, forgetting exactly what an average journey takes time wise when you get West of Plymouth / Bodmin!

From a personal view a SW Circuit comprising of BCYC, Starcross, the 2 Salcombes, Looe, Porthpean and Penzance to name but 6 seems to make sense. Nothing to stop us joining in with the CVDRA at Roadford, what about Siblyback? Saltash regatta and the local regattas we could agree to gate crash?   Shall I go on?  OK not to the Y&Y 14 boats for sure, but a representation of the Twelves that actually sail in the real South West!!!!!!!!!!!

Murrell, get off your soapbox!

I lets talk on Saturday - I have a lot of thoughts on this one, as you know recycling Twelves is almost my specialality.................................
James, is this boinging something to do with what went on in a caravan at Porthpean and you are trying to tell us something?
Jim, I stand to be corrected, but I believe a gybing board is allowed because the pin is fixed in one place in the boat and the board moves in its different planes around that fixed point, the concept that Dave P had still kept the pin in one place but had a track fitted to the case that the board was fixed to and moved abouthence in reality there were two pivot points if you get my drift.

The whole ideas of the c/board vs d/board from the '70 showed how people like Jo Richards, Nigel Waller, Rob Peebles Dave Peacock et al were looking at the  rules and seeing how they could be circumvented to gain that little extra advantage, in the same way as F1 cars do today with their flexiwings etc.

From what I understand the Friday night pub sessions in Nottingham were a hotbed of  beer swilling, totty chasing and Twelve designing!
Boats / Re: N3425
30 Mar 2007, 09:11
This boat was never completed. I saw it in August '06 outside a workshop in Ivybridge looking in very poor condition and I suspect it will have been destroyed by now.
Depends on the rule thats been revised - if its something fundamental to the construction of the boats you get a dispensation which is added to the certificate - I have one on 3003 in relation to the daggerboard. Also if its something like the new sail rules, obviously keep using the old ones with those measurements and its only when the motor needs a rebuild you change to the new rules.

Same works when we have reduced weight in the past, you can keep your boat at the old weight if you want, but if you remove any weight you have to get it reweighed. Thinking about it, Measurers should be in favour of a graduated plan of weight reduction, say half a kilo a year, that way they will always kept in beer tokens for the season for at least the next 20 years ...............................

Interesting, over the weekend I was trying to find some history of 2632 looking through some of the classes old newsletters, and in No38 of summer 1980 a chap by the name of Dave Peacock (!) wrote an article outlining how a c/board can be made to work like a d/board. The then rules allowed it, however the loophole was closed rather quickly if I remember correctly with the words ' the pivot point shall be in one fixed position related to both the hull and the centreboard' added at the next AGM!

Lots of other juicy bits from the past too including the Dave Eberlin pic of John Royce and Barbara Whyte sailing Tiger Lil at Trent Valley with a big rig, spinnaker, trapeze .................................
Boats / Re: N3062 Mr Magoo
28 Mar 2007, 07:26
Built by Waller & Richards in 1979

Bought by John Murrell in July 2006 as a restoration project.

The hull and decks had been glass sheaved, and on investigation damp had got into the c/boardcase, hog, front bulkhead and hull to such an extent that repairs were not viable.

Sadly broken up in October 2006.
Boats / Re: N2632 Dinsdale
28 Mar 2007, 07:18
Built in 1972 by Brian Rowsell and was sailed by Chris Gillard with some sucess in the Thames Area and at Salcombe Week

Didsdale was bought off eBay in January 2007 by John Murrell and is in need of a bit of TLC. New decks and c/board case to start with! Overall the hull hasn't suffered too badly over the years.

A photographic diary will be kept of the rejuvenation.
Problem with a black tie is that s exposes all our deficiencies!

And a Black Tie in Salcombe? Only at a wake or when Brian has been Bar Diving and  have banned him from doing that again!
never heard of a problem from my Cruiser members who visit regularly ( except for the evening that they invited all the local clubs to an 'at Home' but forget to tell the Steward!)

Try their webste
Rick, basically providing you can get it back into the c/board case go with what you want. Simon Hinks was playing with allsorts of ideas a couple of years ago on 3396, all of which can to nought because the engineering he was coming up with was too complicated and very heavy.................................

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