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Messages - Kevin

Hi hp,

Yes there is lots happening for junior sailors over the weekend.

In addition to being eligible for all the main events, there is a three race series soley for juniors on the Sunday afternoon.

Also, as this is a GILL series event, junior sailors have their own sub-section to participate in. If you will be sailing with a relative, then you will qualify for the family sub-section too. Finally, if you are sailing a pre-double bottom era boat then the Admiral's Cup prize is also available for you to compete for, and if it is older still you can have a go for the Vintage section and qulify for absolutely everything.

Off the water, lots of activities are planned for all ages, tastes and pockets, so there should be plenty for juniors to do.

If you need more information, then give me or Graham Camm a call, our numbers are in the handbook.

Kevin Iles
Oops! That should have read Saturday 22nd.

If anyone fancies sitting in the front of 3491 at Notts County on Saturday 23rd, would they please let me know. Unfortunately, I will be incommunicado next week but leave a message either here, at the telephone number shown in the handbook book and on the fixture list, or email me at kiles1uk@yahoo. co. uk (omit the spaces) and I will get back to you when I pick it up.

Jane, you can sail with Meds. Lesley can look after all the buggies (and their occupants) as she won't be going near the water.

There, that's another boat!

Forcast sounds good to me Meds. Shame you will only be buggy minding. Or are you taking your kit ready to jump into the front end if Katy has enough?


This is a reminder that now the weather has warmed up (at last!) the GILL series gets underway this weekend at Bristol Corinthian Yacht Club.

Aside from the usual sailing, and excellent and reasonnably priced food, there will be FIREWORKS and other entertainment on Saturday evening.

The seminar before dinner will be an interactive session on the theme of "Helm & Crew Communication (or lack of?)" and will be moderated by a Burton Cup and Silver National winning CREW!

Directions and other details may be found by following the GILL series links on this site.

Remember, Don't be shy, give the GILL series a try.

The Gill series packs should be hitting the doormats around the country very shortly but if you can't wait you may sneak a preview by following the newly updated links on this web-site.


I am not sure if you were referring to the boat or the sailor but you don't have to have a "clumsy pensioner" to mess up someone else's start, I have managed it often enough and don't consider myself to be in either category quite yet.

Regarding being lapped: all Gill series events allow for a Grand Prix finish, i.e. each boat finishes when she next crosses the line regardless of the lap being sailed. This is designed to eliminate anyone having to be on the water for significantly longer than the winner.

As regards the silverware: there will be prizes for each section of the fleet: Double Bottom, Admiral's Cup, 4-plank, and Vintage. If say the vintage wing wanted to determine their results using handicaps then that should be possible. Finally, don't forget that Monday's racing will be a pursuit.

Hopefully the following will clarify a few of the points raised ....... although it may just make things more complicated instead!

Gill series points are awarded to the individual helmsman. It is therefore possible to sail a double bottomed boat in two events and an Admiral's Cupper in two others and still qualify for the overall series. However, you will not qualify for the overall AC section unless you do 4 events in an AC boat.

The 70th event at Northampton is a bit more complicated as apparently the vintage boats don't fancy starting with the rest of the fleet and the plan currently is to have them set off 5 minutes later. (Presumably this is because they think it will be light and they can afford to give the new boats a head start but still win). Apparently the Saturday and Sunday will each count as a separate event for vintage boats. There may even be talk of differnt courses but I am a bit vague on that, perhaps Ken G can refresh my memory? If vintage sailors don't like any of this, I suggest they make their opinions known so alternatives can be considered in order to satisy everyone (I am an eternal optimist!).

If you have a 4-planker please let your views be known. Currently the thinking is for you to sail alongside the vintage fleet but this is very much undecided.

Regardless of all that, the Admiral's Cup and Double bottom boats will sail together with both weekend days counting as one Gill series event.

The Monday will be a stand alone event for everyone.

There, now you really are all confused aren't you?!

You're right Jane, force 3-4 in the first race and more in 2nd. This combined with the usual excellent organisation made it a good choice for my first time in a boat for 6 months.

Before anyone asks, the picture of Liz and I on the fotoboat baot web-site (also used on the Y&Y report) was taken as we were about to gybe, hence the unusual crew positions. Just as welll they didn't wait until afterwards because we went in a couple of times at that mark! However, please note the Merlins under spinnaker BEHIND us.

Well done to Tom for being first non-trapeze boat (in his Merlin) at 7th overall.

Forecast looks reasonnable, not as much wind as I would like but most others would probably say it's ideal!

Not being good at text messaging, I assume that WTF means "What Terrific Fun!" If not, would you please spell it out Mike?

Having spent the weekend making one working boat out of the bits of three in my garage, we'll be there. 11.00 start according to the NSC web-site.

The full calendar has been available for all to see under the Events section of this web-site for some weeks.

The hard copies are with the printer and should be sent out (I believe with the handbook) soon.


You must be one hell of a tough guy if you think that taking it easy for your first sail includes going out in a 4 to 5 gusting 7. Even with 3/4 sails most people would find this at least a handful and for many it would be totally beyond their ability. Before you make a decision you could well regret, I urge you to try again in a more modest breeze, say force 2 - 3. I think you could be very pleasantly surprised.

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