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Messages - marcus3292

from my n12 handbook its a trident design, built in 81 by john wills, appears to be the only one, may be a good buy for a few hundred.  im not an expert someone like mr ledger may konw something about it,
just a tread to get a funny story or two!

what is the strangest way you have ever won a race???

mine was a few years ago, i was sailing lightning 368 at a local regatta, it was blowing to the extent that your head would blow off your pint, well there were two of us in our start as everyone had wimped out, quite rightly so looking back now. just before the gun went the other boat capsized. so the gun sounded and of i went on the run (we started on a run), i was flying so quickly i couldnt control the boat properly not to mention being able to see jack because of the spray, well i had gone about 250yard bang in i went, deathrolled and thrown from boat, the boat drifted off and i ended up swiming probably near on half a mile untill i caught it lodged firmly in the mud. i was rescued.

they presented me the prize for being the only boat to cross the starting line. got a bottle of whiskey, result
my boat was yellow when i got it but i bought a chemical that took all the staining out of the hull (y10 i think), i got to give it a good polish up still but i will use a mop on that. i did a little bit by hand and it does look fresh again.

anyway i rather pay someone to do my side decks and paint llike a none slip sort of paint on the side decks (none gritty), as it has been painted alread in a blue colour
got same on mine 3292,
oh my lord, people who managed to stay upright must have had there pants on the outside.,  coz it look a bit windy
well i glad everyone is safe and well, spoke to tim harris earlyer and  i believe there were quite a few pairs of pant that needed to be changed after that episode,

definatly gonna go next year, i am told it is fun and eventful, and it sounds like they are not wrong!!!

marcus 3292

norfolk week,

i heard down the yacht club 2day that a n12 and a phantom were lost, dunno if that was true, but there was trouble....

General National 12 chat / Re: N3103
16 Jul 2006, 02:21
i think its for sale on ebay
General National 12 chat / Re: N3326
04 Jul 2006, 05:33
i was in contact with the chap who is selling this boat, he has repainted it grey and revarnised it (i think), anyway it was too far too travel for a boat i wasnt certain i was gonna like, 6 months or so ago it was up for a lot more than that,

having said that if its in a very good cond it may be worth it..

im interested in the spare rudder if you are interested in splitting?,  07966344227
prefered carbon must be in very good cond, cash waiting

its alright i will get mr gore,pelling or ledger to have a squint at it,

ta very much

some of you may know me, but when it comes too 12's, im fine with the basic's, but anything more than a jib sheet then i can be snookered, like now,,,

my boat used to have a mast ram, but it now looks like the raking of my mast is done by rope, as there are a load of pulleys under the foredeck just infront of the mast, the rope goes up2 the side deck to cleets, there is no apparant use for all this rope, apart from raking my mast, but i dont know how it connects to the mast, etc,  maybe some of you can shead some light

ta marecus
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