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Messages - janeysailor12

[quote by=Jimbo42 link=Blah.cgi?b=Cool1,m=1180737530,s=5 date=1180986790]I 14, B14, laser 4000 and 49er seem to have a variable width[/quote]

Err No!!!  B14 width is'nt variable....when the racks are out they're out!!  and you DON'T sail with them in


P.S.  Whilst we are on the subject of survey's. what happend to the "trials" regarding which boats plane faster...damp squb!?  :-/
[quote by=Lukepiewalker link=Blah.cgi?b=Cool1,m=1178661934,s=8 date=1179077870]Aye, vacuum pumps suck...

I'll get my coat....[/quote]

Oh Lukie are so damn funny!!!  I LOVE your replies...laughing till my sides hurt!  ;D

[quote by=Jimbo41 link=Blah.cgi?b=Cool1,m=1178611316,s=4 date=1178634048]Rick,

Oh, yes, I'll be travelling the 1400km to BW this year....



No!!! surely not!! you not coming to BW?????  we'd NEVER have guessed!!  ;D


[quote by=James_Taylor link=Blah.cgi?b=Cool1,m=1178611316,s=15 date=1178707636]As a two year old N12 Sailor N3402 [/quote]

Gosh!!! you started young did'n't you  :P  How on EARTH did you manage to peep over the side decks??

[quote by=Jimbo41 link=Blah.cgi?b=Cool1,m=1178275435,s=2 date=1178280347]Have a look at our website. It shows weather (wind) values at three points along the lake side (8nm long!)[/quote]

Only if you have a look at the North Staffs website or summat like that....(just google North Staffs sailing club and you'll find it) look at the yellow peril on there....and weeeeeep!

No problem concern (as an owner of a beautiful wooden boat also) would be the water causing the wood to blacken and go rotten, as opposed to osmosis...or are they one and the same thing??

Oh GOD!!!! yes  :o how crap were we  ::)??????  Still we did have a good "blast"

[quote by=John_Murrell link=Blah.cgi?b=Cool1,m=1173211085,s=25 date=1175201926]
only reading the gospel acording to St Yandy :

What article's that honey pie??

[quote by=John_Murrell link=Blah.cgi?b=Cool1,m=1173211085,s=20 date=1174908694]So Jane, whats the story? 13,14,DNF,DNC? Did Mike get confused by the tide????????[/quote]

What????  elaborate....


Never thought of that.  When we asked the ex National 12 sailor (Crispin) who's B 14 we tried out in Cornwall last year what the B14 was like to sail he said it's a National 12 on Viagra!  He's right an' all!!!  We are off the Rutland at the weekend to do a B14 training and race weekend, hopefully the training will help me NOT fall off the thing.  One thing  I will say for the National I have capsised in her lots, but never actually fallen OFF her.  :o

Not at all.......I have been a BA cabin crew, a practice manageress for an Optometrist, a legal conveyancer, worked for a civil engineer and most recently a mortgage processor...which reminds me...time to actually do some work!  When I worked for the Civil Engineer I could swear anyone under the table....and very often was only when a friend of mine pointed out that not only did I sound awful, but I clearly did'nt poseess the language skills to express myself in a more dignified way.  But hey time to move on yeah??? you have your opinions and I have mine that's what a fair society is all about, and this is after all a discussion forum about National 12's and not for slanging matches.  Hackers????? who needs em?  They just bring out the worst in all of us.  Incedentally can't the moderator or someone just go in and delete these posts???   Just leave the Viagra one's never know who might be interested??  My National 12 could do with some of that at the moment!
Janey  ;D

Would LOVE to....but sailing the B at an Easter Regatta closer to home.  Equity is still being raced at my club just in case you thnk we've abandoned her.  She's going to have gorgeous white gunnels this summer.  The wood the gunnels are made from (sycamore) was replace 18months ago, but I'm afraid the boat builder was'nt as particular as he could have been.  Water has been seeping into the wood almost straight after we had her done.  It's got to the point now where it's beginning to go grey and needs attention so Mike's got his work cut out...that is IF I can drag him away from the B14.  Hopefully soon she'll be looking beautiful you I adore wood NOTHING looks like it if it's kept pristine....but keeping it that way can be a pain...but so rewarding.  What sort of condition is Passion Pud in?

Jim my dear....I was'nt going to dignify your last post with a reply, but I feel perhaps I ought to.  Spoonerisms CAN be offensive to some people, a good example (or bad which ever way you look at it) is the French Connection slogan.  As for hackers yes they ARE criminal, and we on the B14 page are overun with all sorts of "interesting" posts at the moment, and I guess they do provoke such outbursts from certain people.  We tend to simply delete the hackers message without responding to it, they get bored eventually and go and pester other forums.  To rise to their bait can only serve to encourage them.  Of course you are entitled to stand for what you write, just be aware that some people find certain things a little offensive, and perhaps a public notice board is NOT the place to vent one's anger or hide under spoonerism's for foul language.  
[quote by=Jimbo41 link=Blah.cgi?b=Cool1,m=1173211085,s=12 date=1174572182]Still applies .... You know the answer already?/quote]

Not sure I want to
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