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Messages - hairy dog

There's no complexityto a rotating mast.  It sits on a pin (at deck level) and (by clever use of string and a lever) rotates with the boom.  By adjusting the string between the boom and mast the angle of the mast relative to the (apparent) wind can be altered.  I think most small cats (not Chesire variety) use this system.

Dangly poles are frowned upon by the NS14 class due to the windage but boom launched ones are quite common and don't seem to adversely affect the mast rotation.
rumour control suggests Alverbanks have sold out to 'big' business.  Whatever next? off the shelf N12's?
a noodlespar might be flexible but they are still pretty heavy, hard to find too.

How times have changed though; a couple of years ago I couldn't find a buyer for my Pipedream (with noodlespar) and have to give it away free with to the purchaser of a combi-trailer
Jane, check e-mail :)
keep going north far enough and you'll end up in Australia :o
Lazy tongs (the concertina things) are the tool of choice for professional pop rivetters.
dangly pole would definately interfere with the aerodynamics of the mast section.  I had thoughts about permananty attaching a thin (1/2 inch) pole to the clew and a fne taught wire up the front of the mast section; using it as a barber hauler up/off wind.  I tried this on a 12 and it worked OK but as the NS14 is more stable (especially fore-aft) there seemed little to be gained over an "old fashioned loose in the bottom of the boat" one.

btw.  NS14 masts don't bend.  The mainsheet is all about leech control.
having sailed both ns14 and N12 (both badly...) they do have similarities but I found them very different.  The 12 is extremely responsive compared to the 14 which are narrower and with less rocker.  The 14 is faster to windward and points higher, perhaps due to the rotatng wing mast.

And another thing; ns14's have daggerboards
looks like the 12's are enjoying themselves with carnage all around!

I bet Pearl and Dean in the Miracle had fun! :o
General National 12 chat / Re: N3103
19 Jul 2006, 11:24
listen to the ice cream man.  He knows everything :o

An all round good egg and snappy dresser (wellington boots and shorts never go out of fashion)
Pipedream is more than competitive inland (in the right hand, i.e. not mine! :-/)  Won't come anywhere near the more modern, fat boats on open water though.  Last time I sailed mine I borrowed a Superspars carbon mast and modern cut Alverbank sails and it totally transformed the boat.

Talk to Mike Cooke, he had some interesting ideas about Pipedreams a couple of years ago.
watch out for red cars
sounds like fun and I wish I could be there but (standing by to b eshot down in flames) why the fuss about 70 years?  Surely 25, 50, (maybe 60) 75, 100 etc etc are the traditional landmark anniverseries?
General National 12 chat / Re: Fixtures
09 Mar 2006, 10:44
if there's going to folk music perhaps morris dancing could be arranged too? :P
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