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Messages - Nathan Harding

Well that depends if you delivered the rig to Drivers or abandoned it for a giggle!
Chunky Monkey will be there and before i get any comments the boat will be too!! Not sure whether we'll be camping or not however johns suggestion is an option. See you there.


Miss Cameron THAT relates to when i was drunk i started calling him miss camn. Very much rum induced. In regards to starcross i may go for the car option over night.

Good luck to Miss Camn and Miss Ballentyne.

Mr Taylor tut tut!!
Mr Taylor!! Use of Familar name!! Its Miss Camn and Miss Ballentyne...(spelling unsure...doh)
haha respect!! I didnt think u'd actually take up the name :) Well done on an exellent burton week!
Ah okay i took it the worng way! Sorry
[quote by=Kean link=Blah.cgi?b=Cool,m=1154085031,s=58 date=1155737212]Seems this thread has now run out of steam - I'll try to put together some sort of summary / view for the next newsletter.  nathan - I'lll leave out a yoof view.  Also I don't feel we covered much of the Vintage side of the fleet or the pure 'cruisers'.


Why leave out the youth view?? Is what we think not important?
I would be happy to do it for you. Having just spliced loads of the stuff on my new boat ive got the hang of it!! I will most likely be around still screwing things onto the boat in the dinghy park porthpean. So if you still need it doing give me a shout!!

An interesting topic and as i'm one of the youth i suppose i should comment. I think the decline in club sailing is large problem when attracting new blood into the class. I was first attracted into the 12's at Saltash by the likes of Gill Moore, John Murrell and Tim Laws who all put a great deal of effort into both putting up with us and getting us into the boats. This was further helped by the efforts of certain chairmans who came along to training events etc.

In regards to one day Vs two day events. I would be less inclined to travel a considerable distance for a one day event.

I particulary miss the days of the SW Series as not only was it good practise and racing but the local class socialised.

On the social side of things it would be nice to go back to how it was when i first started.  Saltash sausage sizzle at porthpean, Meds hilarious drunken prizegivings at tenby, Brownie lecturing the youth on how to be responsible with slurrrrrred words of wisdom, Graham well....being graham.... The older generations dancing and joing in with the team games.

I kno that kids have now arrived on the scene which makes things considerably difficult, bring on Janes Nanny idea!!

Northampton was an improvement on the social side of things with many faces back dancing again (shock horror!!) but there still a fair amount of sciving going on.

I'm not going to mention any names but i also think there is a slight attidude to the youth in the 12's. I mean i remeber some instances at northampton being completly ignored or brushed passed as if we werent standing there. This is not true with all members as the majority have a lot of time for us.

I have also noticed in event reports there isnt always a mention of how the youth did at that event, however this has improved slightly this year. Niether is there a trophy to be won in the Gill Series. I know the prizes are gill vouchers but it would be nice to have something to display etc.

Now in regards to youth at the nationals a few old faces will be appearing this year bringing the number to 9 (not including the johnsons, adsetts). I'm sure we wont mind if the powers to be would like to have a chat to us.

Nigel asked me if i'd like to run the team games and i agreed so lets have a big turn out!! I am also preparing the youth views for you antony, sorry its late but ive been busy with the new boat.

 Dare, I believe that Andy Horsley will be at the event in "more of a tart than a pudding" (i think thats the correct name....

Hi Jane could you email me your number I am at university and the book is at home and i dont think ringing home for them to find it is an option.

Lucy, Kat and I will be there in N3493 LOKI. Therefore we will be hoping for 3 meals on the saturday night and will be attending the dinner at "sedgebrook hall". We will be camping at the club. However we were planning to arrive on friday night, would this be possible Jane or Tom? I have to protest tho i hope sumo wrestling isnt only available to the people who dont go to the dinner!! Helms verus Crews me thinks!!

See you there

We are staying at Duporth Mr Jefferies!! And erm i think you class as youth hehe!

Nathan Harding
Lucy Horsley
Fran Lofts
Mike Douglas
Tom Jefferies
Emma Wilkins
Mike Cooke
Just a quick post to see what youth will be attending burton week so we can resurrect the fantastic socials from the past!

Add your names to the list:

Nathan Harding
Lucy Horsley
Fran Lofts
Mike Douglas

Any more..........................we better start planning!!
Check your email sam.......
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