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Messages - RogerBrisley

General National 12 chat / Re: hiking
02 Nov 2006, 07:48
 ;D ;D ;D ;D

Top responses Jane,  Barry 'n Passion Pud

Still crying with laughter


we northerners did a poll by e mail - i think Roly Mo was behind it - and seem to recall 1.6 metres but my new pole is 1.7 like Angus' probably a tad long,  perhaps Roly can find his statistics?

Congratulations to Janet Bloor,  awarded RYA Community Award - Lifetime Committment - see RYA Annual Report

Well done Janet ;D ;D ;D

Is there any way that some of Yvonne McInnes' photos could be included?

Yvonne puts a lot of time into recording our events particularly in the north  ;D and has produced some superb photos which deserve consideration,  nay,  inclusion in a class calender and would more widely represent 12 sailing.

If not she should declare UDI and produce her own!


As Mark Simpson says there are several AC boats who are very quick (in the north and possibly else where)

on the whole this success is probably due to the committment that the helm and crew give to their sailing,  not only in terms of keeping the boats up to date with carbon sticks and possibly foils,  decent sails and judicious other weight saving tactics,  but mainly effort and practice, learning from experience.  Granted for equal ability the fattest wallet will win,  but more often than not it is sheer ability of a team that producs the result not the boat.  

A regular crew or access to an experienced 12 crew prepared to match the helms efforts or better is likely to have far more impact on performance than any savings in weight in most conditions.

Let them have their lighter boats,  and leave us ac boats to aim high in the knowledge that it is mainly our own skills that will keep us competitive,  not the latest gismo or weight reduction ( though if any body wants to sell me a carbon stick for the peice of a Pizza I won't stop them!)

The sooner AC sailors grasp this committment thing and come out to play more the sooner we AC Boats will (?)dominate (glass likely to be half full) open events (more of us than them)


3334 (plastic AC getting out more)
Bit of a blow :'( :'( :'(, but perhaps I' ll have some fun in Salcombe :-/,

Hope you all have a great weekend

Thanks again to all the visitors for making a great weekend,  we hope you spread the word that sailing north of the Trent (nice to see Pauls boat even though he was not there) can be a great  experience.  For those that weren't there Grazz may have some pics but as my mate Bill says " You should have bin there!"

Give Ripon (v challenging water) 'n Yeadon a try this weekend coming for more Northern Fun especially Howard S's trip down memory lane

Ooooh raw nerves!

Don't be so sensitive,  it s horses for  courses about what boat you buy /sail. and hopefully each has its own desirable features.

Ive owned 2 wanderers (20 years apart), a GP14 duffin top of the shop, 2 lasers 16 years apart and two national 12 in the last three years.

I bought my first wanderer at the boat show 1981 principally to "cruise" having raced folkboats as a child.  got bored v quickly with this but trained up "the boss" v quickly and purchased a new GP 14 to race.  This was even heavier than previous boat,  and frankly not as pretty (wanderers are pretty). I preferred the w to the gp.  Boss went off to do other things so lasered and sailboarded for a bit.  Then bought wanderer #2 to teach daughter to sail,  moved on to 12 and an old laser.

I have sailed wayfarers occasionally (they must be heavier than a GPby 33%).they just feel Bigger similar to an albacore.

I wanted to give my first 12 away as it was" a little different" to previous bateaux but having persvered love em to bits.  

But point is people are all individual and buy boats for different reasons,  and despite what you may think may be very able and quick sailors.  Ask the meadowcrofts!

And despite our  N12) obvious merit at the bar stakes we're probably little different to other classes.


We presently have balmy(?!)autumn days with daylight till 7.30 ish, hope it holds till sunday.

No need for lights whilst racing,  look forward to seeing you and Rowan again,

Come on Kean,

Never mind reviling us northerners, at least we speak english ;D!  Come on North, bring your bateaux and join the fun,

This seems to be all about New Boats! what about older AC boats as a way in

Cheers Mike

Yeh ok Shum Short of Shpelling Mishtake but my mate who lives there said he saw a good article  'n pic(s)with yuse lot in it.

Had hoped to see you at NB cos MOrths look V interesting,

perhaps we'llcatch you elsewhere



Hi Jane,

I'm in danger of hijacking some one elses thread here but....

Been there (North Berwick) twice and super weather both times... been to Salcombe lots and had both brill and rubbish weather!  East Lothian is likely to have good weather in July August early Sept, no less reliably than Cornwall,  Devon or South Wales.

Another visitor to the Forth recently was Mikey C (Largs Mothing), can he add to the support for a trip North?

When did you go 'n what were you sailing. Jane?

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