National 12

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Messages - andymck

Yes and some more an issue than others lol
Any lightweight crews available?

Are they led through the side decks, or down the front of the mast?

Where are the entry forms, can't find them on the website

Just go my boat back, most of the rope is under the kick bars.
Best have a look at either mine or toms

I think that Mr Carey has been in it a bit. He took some of the videos. I was quite interested in this boat to start with. They even looked to be listening when they agreed to go for a dangly pole system. I sail at my home club with my wife sometimes, and we are a little but too beefy for the 12 in reality. I just get away with it sailing with Clare. We would still be under the target weight for the iCON though. If they had gone for a raking rig, even without adjustable shrouds or lowers, it would have given u a chance in breeze. The jib sheet set up also looks like its been nicked from Laser 2, so leech tension is going to be a pig to adjust, so I have gone off it.
The hull shape is also optimised for upwind planing, which they have said was the aim from the start, so despite it being marketed for inland venues, it seems to be a compromise shape. 
I wish them well, but I currently would not jump until there were enough numbers for it to be a success, as I cant see past the little things that make my life so pleasant on the 12. But then I am short sighted and do wear glasses. Also wary as own a single-hander  which should be doing a lot better than it is.

I don't know if anyone has noticed the new sails from speeds with the tapedrive system. They look quite pimped, but I noticed a thread on the MR page which has suggested that they are illegal, as the tapes are considered to be secondary reinforcement outside the area where this is allowed. I think they are awaiting clarification from the RYA about this. 
This also means the boat that won the sailjuice series was technically out of class.
Will our rules permit these sails?


Toms system has the rope held in the slot, so it cant come out, then a control to tension up the system, so the jibsheets then work as ours do. The system allows the board to kick up about 1/3 if you run aground. You dont have the leeward mark issue, as the rope is always in the control slot on the board. It appeared very simple, and well sorted when I looked. Mine is currently in for repair of the trailing edge, and conversion to the new system. I will take some pics when the boat is back.

Tom has a trim tab, and a new system which I am having retrofitted at the moment. Did him ok at the inlands. I do and so does Steve and Graham. The two non P&B boats both have them.
Graham has a novel control system. Mine was like jo's but it has damaged the trailing edge a lot, and so am going for the new system Tom has.
One thing, it makes it feel like you tack through soup in the light winds. if its turned on.

Mrs Mckee has asked me not to make a habit of bringing everyones kit home, as she does not want to wash the entire fleets kit

I seem to have an extra pair when I got home.
They were left where I got changed on saturday, and I had not realised I left a pair at home on sunday morning.
They have been washed and dried and are like new.
I will get them sent to you, can you email your address to

Andy Mckee
Yep I can admit the plane stupid bit, not the only time round that mark too.
What did concern me was the mark roundings, and not just the ones in the pictures.
The rules are quite clear in the point of onus over water. If you are trying to gain a late overlap, you have to be able to prove it and therefore should go around the outside if someone calls no water, just as when you are trying to break an established overlap, you have to be able to prove that you did. Except when we have had on the water umpiring, I have never seen anyone win these protests when it has been touch and go, and I have sat on a lot of committees. (you need two perfectly placed witnesses)
We are generally a very well behaved class, which is why I sail a 12.
My advice is to anyone is to think about the onus, and yield, as even if you did get or break the overlap just as you entered the zone, you will not win in the room, dont push it.
General National 12 chat / Re: Firefly
08 Nov 2010, 06:51
The Firefly was originally the Cambridge One Design. This was supposed to meet the then N12 hull rules, and was originally built in clinker. It had a different rig as the Cambridge one design, but could have been easily converted to be raced in N12 class racing. Uffa Fox was not one to waste a good set of lines when he had one, and it was then relaunched as the Firefly, Seafly and Albacore in various guises post war, when Fairey Marine needed a new project. Obviously the Firefly did not measure as it was smooth skinned, there were some joint events and examples of which are in the handbook.

Thanks to Ian and all at Solway for putting on an excellent event. The crews that volunteered were also very welcome, and I hope given the smiles coming off the water that we have given a very positive experience of our small boats. The wind was up, but we all managed to get off the water with minimal damage, despite many swims.
Thanks again

Are there any spare crews?
Claire is unwell and cant come.
Place available in the front of the DCB