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Messages - MarkSimpson

Just got the baby sitting arragements sorted, so Emma and I will make it seven!

See you all there
Thanks for all the offers, please can you all bring your spare gear and there should be something to fit amongst it all.  
See you on saturday morning.

Mark and Emma

We have persuaded Mark's sister Sarah to crew for Ian at Grafham but she doesn't have any sailing gear. Does anybody have any of the following that we could borrow? Wetsuit / drysuit, wet boots. Our number is in the book.


Some pictures from sunday are available in the gallery.
An excellent weekend's sailing, 24 entries, plenty of wind, some sunshine, exciting close racing.  Many thanks to everybody who made the journey and I hope you all got home safely and at a reasonable time.

General National 12 chat / Re: Sails
30 Aug 2006, 10:28
There were made for the carbon mast on our boat, but may be okay on a metal mast as they have lost some of their shape.  I can bring them to Derwent if you want to have a look?

General National 12 chat / Re: Sails
30 Aug 2006, 09:41
Sails for carbon and metal masts are cut with different luff curves due to the different bend charaturistics of the masts.  So it's not ideal to swap sails from one type of mast to the other.  It's possible to have the sails recut to make them more suitable, but I suspect that it's compromise and not as good as having them cut correctly from the start.

Mum and dad have booked our B&B in the center of the town already.  They had to phone round quite a few places before they found somewhere, so if you you're going to book accommodation they said it would be good to do it sooner rather than later.  Apparently there's a big golf competition going on in the area that weekend.

Looking forward to the sandcastle building with Ellie!!

Hi Angus
It was good to see a Tummel N12 at Annandale the other week.  We've got the cottage and baby sitters are booked ready for Tummel week and we're really looking forward to it.

Mark, Emma, Toby and ????
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