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Messages - Phil Brown

I've tried Antony's suggestion.
 Along the inside of the boom (in a tube to avoid friction and getting caught in the outhaul) down through the boom at the front through a thru deck block, down to the hog to a 40mm cheek block, along the side of the c/b case to an auto rachet block mounted on the aft end of the case.
A pretty good system. The sheet comes off the bottom of the boat and doesn't get in the crew or the tiller extension.
The BIG problem with it though is the twist that develops in the mainsheet. When the boom's let out, the sheet runs out quite loosely. However, when you sheet in, particularly in a blow when there's some weight in the sheet, the sheet doesn't rotate on the blocks and as the boom is brought in, the sheet gets a twist in the bit between the boom and the hog. That eventually builds up and ends up as a twist in the 2:1 at the back.
I persevered for most of this year with this system so it's had a good try. It's OK in light winds but it only lasts 1 race in any breeze before it gets too twisted at the back to run freely and you end up having to untie and remove the twists, a bit tricky sailing back to back races on a lumpy sea, trust me!
Next one to try is straight off the boom, skiff style, but the issue there is control of the leech tension, we'll give it a go though
Tragically, Simon's son, Rory, died in a mountain bike accident on Saturday
Rory was 19, fit, young and healthy and died too young
I can't find any words that go any where near descibing my feelings
Our thoughts go to my good friend Jammy Dodger, to Lyn his wife, to son Thomas and daughter Rosie
Now that the Big Orange Shed doesn't stock green plastic mats anymore, anyone got any preferences for the top layer of a trolley, and where to get it from?
Ah, yes, I heard Simon is now sailing a N11.9 ;D ;D
I thought A nonny mouse's post was quite innocuous, whoever it came from (my guess is his name is Tim, he's the one-time owner of 2822, he is or was at Starcross and his tel number is 07*08*40*8*).

Banter is one thing but I have more difficulty with the tone and content of thedodger's reply which certainly doesn't sit well on a public discussion board
Trust the dolphins to get in on the act!

Can I suggest a rename - "Don't Panic"   ;D

Personally, I think a radical change of thinking is required  :)
But will Ian's be better finished??   So long . . . . .    ;)
I know, you'll be after our Design 8, quick boat that, you'd be able to see the inside of the transom instead of the outside!!!
Hi Chris

What's the score here? No info on the club website, anyone would think they were trying to keep it to themselves. NOR, camping etc ???
Dear (worried) Simon
Desperate?!?!? Who broke his boat (yet again!!) in a DESPERATE attempt not to be beaten at the finish??? Not me guv, I wasn't there. ANYWAY, whose son was it that won in our boat on Wednesday??

Time to keep the boat on the water long enough to finish the (any) race if you ask me. And, wonderful though Angel masts are. it's no use when the jib halyard zippers its way down the front of the mast when the exit sheave pings out, is it?? (how many insurance claims is that?)

I'll tell you if it's a lake special when we get it on the water, until then, in terms of performance, as a friendly tip, I'd take a more than passing glance at boat preperation (being one of the 9 basics), and, as they say, to finish first, first you've got to finish.

Keep it up ( that's carbon over plastic Simon)

Boats / Re: N3518 Paradigm Shift
15 Aug 2009, 06:48
Now at Spinnaker with Phil & Dawn Brown
Boats / Re: N3154 Baggy Aardvark
08 Aug 2009, 12:13
and extremely gusty . .
Boats / Re: N3154 Baggy Aardvark
08 Aug 2009, 12:07
Felix at Spinnaker, flat and seriously depowered. It was an awesome day . .
Boats / Re: N3398 Arctic Fox
08 Aug 2009, 11:58
Oh look, there's the cameraman, boat flat, smile and sit out!
Boats / Re: N3398 Arctic Fox
08 Aug 2009, 11:54
Some people think that sailing at Spinnaker is only about light winds . . . .
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