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Messages - paul turner

Yo. Accommodation now booked so that's three boats! You, me (with Murph crewing) plus Dave & Tricia. Px
Well we need something to look forward to! NWNW 2021 will be 24th to 31st July next year so we must get it in the diary soonest. I'm already looking for accommodation and I think that JLS is also considering doing the week. Anyone else coming out to play? Paul  8)  (But which yot to take....? Was gonna sail N2020 this year but...)
General National 12 chat / Re: AGM
06 Sep 2020, 08:27
Sadly had to miss the AGM at the last minute, but how did it go, online? Px ???
Yo Patrick. I heartily applaud your efforts to get the open meeting circuit running again, and I would love to be there but I'm not certain that the partial release of lockdown yet permits two people, not of the same household or "bubble", to sail together in a small yot - unless someone knows otherwise? Px :-\
Cancellation - a sad but clearly very wise decision in the circumstances. A sincere "thank you" to the committee for trying your best to work this out. Disappointing that NWNW too has had to be canned; I was intending to take Starfish N2020 to both but... The "Billy No Mates" are already on the water at Trent Lock but my 12s are all still in the barns ready to rock. Stay well and socially distanced, peeps, I know what a Covid 19 ward looks like from a patients view - you don't want to go there. Px
It is with much sadness that I have to advise of the death on Monday of Martin Clarke of Hykeham SC; he had been ill for several years battling with cancer; he leaves behind wife Tracy, daughter Ellie and son Matt (who often crewed for him). Martin greatly enjoyed his N12 sailing, owning various boats which included a Feeling Foolish, and two China Dolls, namely "China Girl" (which he made a fabulous job of restoring) and "Talisman". Although he and I hadn't sailed against each other for several years we kept in contact, with much dark humour about our respective aliments. I am relieved that I was able to see Martin last week to say our "goodbyes". A really decent, kind, caring man; we will miss him. Paul.
I understand that NWNW 2020 has now been cancelled; info from Faceache and online. Sad but not a surprise. I was intending to take Starfish N2020 (for obvious reasons!); just wondering if the Burton is going to survive this year? Px  :'(
As one who has been lapped on various occasions in my assorted vintage boats at several Burton's in the past I think that the above proposal is very sensible and I support it. And, if the C19 situation allows us to sail the Champs this year, I will try to get down to sail the Burton to fly the clinker flag. Px
Greetings. I believe this is what happened for the very first N12 open meeting held at TVSC pre WW2 (please note that I wasn't born then!) with the boats being carried from the (now removed) Trent Station to the Club. I can't see N12 train travel happening again! Px  8)
Greetings. Owing to the ongoing C19 situation it was decided at the (online) Trent Valley Sailing Committee meeting last night that the N12 Vintage Champs and Open Meeting 16/17th May would be cancelled this year, with a view to running it again in 2021 (same weekend). Difficult times, but y'all stay well. Px  :-\
General National 12 chat / Is it me?
28 Mar 2020, 10:38


Martin Clark and I were catching up like wot we do from time to time (checking that we are both still alive!) and we had both noticed that there seemed to be very little chat on the discussion board - all gone a bit quiet? I don't do Faceache or Twit (although Trent Valley seems quite active on Wuzup and we are holding virtual Fitting Up Supper tonight on Zoom) but Martin tells me that there is also not much going on social meejar either.

Whatever. Hope that you are all keeping fit and well, abiding by the SocDis rules and prepping your yots for when we finally get sailing again.

Stay well. Love and peace to y'all. Px
Talking to myself again? I suspect that with the current C19 situation we could well be looking at postponing the Vintage Champs? Any observations? Px  :-\
Greetings Dr John. There is a Starfish currently resting at Trent Valley which I know is surplus to requirements/the owner wishes to dispose of. I've not been down to check it recently but suspect that it will need a little TLC. With everyone being grounded this could keep you occupied until we are back on the water? I have a spare road/launching trailer which I used for (the) Starfish N2020 which I am looking to sell (trailer not boat!!); perhaps we have a package here? Please email me at or ring my mobile 07710 324 800. Paul
Greetings. It may seem a little early to be telling you about the Vintage Champs & Reunion, especially as the flood waters which have surrounded the Club and left the Stewards cut off, have yet to subside, but planning is already under way for the weekend of 16th & 17th May. There will be the usual racing on the Saturday (3 races Derwent Handicap pursuits) plus the Midland Area Open for all N12s on the Sunday but we are also opening the event up to cruising N12s who don't want to race and to all N12 sailors (vintage or otherwise) just to come down and catch up with old friends. There will be a skittles night on the Saturday with food, and catering all weekend. I have several Vintage N12s to lend out to competent helms. So spread the word and RSVP peeps! Px  8) N1650/2020/2359 (already booked!)/2399 (Gerald usually bags this one)/China Doll/Whisper (Me!)
Greetings. Trent Valley have confirmed that the Club would be delighted to host the 2020 Vintage Champs in May next year (but we need to confirm the date soonest to avoid clashing with other class opens and holiday plans which meant that several boats weren't able to sail this year).

Traditionally the TVSC Open has been at the beginning of May but the Early Spring Bank Holiday has moved the date back in the month. 2020 will be more complicated because the Bank Holiday will be on FRIDAY 8th MAY to recognise VE DAY.

Accordingly we have two choices:

16/17th May or 23rd/24th May.

Views/preferences soonest please here or to:

Paul  8)
N1650/2020/2359/2399/2403/2524 (just sold!)/2492/2750/3157
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