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Messages - OMSC

there will be a contingent from Olton Mere there, at least one boat.
Foxi is bringing one of the Puddings down for a play, and it looks like I will be crewing, but there is a chance there might be another, if the crews are willing, I might bring Gordon down so you can all marvel at just how much duct tape is needed to hold an old 12 together.
I think that will hit the 50... 8)
talking of blagging, I understand there was a little interest from a few minor suppliers in sponsoring the youth series.... any progress?
something like 8 different suppliers ranging from clothing suppliers to fit out guys.... not going to blow anyones trumpet, but came through someone who types in pink?
if we can get them tied down to what they are willing to give for prizes, lets get it out there and the young'uns in the fleet :)
I have a competitive enterprise that could be used. so the boat is not a problem.
I am sure a lot of the olton mere guys would be interested, plenty of time to get this organised:)
looking at the weather, and as long as the crew doesn't revolt too much, I will be bringing Gordon (2947) down. will have the pleasure of Moonshallow in the crew's spot I believe, for the first time since the enterprise midland champs last year. Looking forward to the event and hoping to do a little better than we did at the inlands, but being there with all the young guns from Olton Mere will be enough for me to have a great day.
I am slightly concerned that alpha male will be there, as it will take at least 20 minutes to drag my crew away from that pink beast, if she had her way you would be 3 up.
thanks for the advice tim.  Have invested in a bucket for northampton, and replaced the rubber slot gasket with a new one made from an old mainsail.
Moonshallow, are you ready to bail?
I want to try the foam bouyancy, but have adapted the plan.  I am thinking of lining the boat with plastic, probably cling film at the rear, then spray in the foam, then I can remove it when set, giving a perfect mould of the bottom of the boat, shape the top half, and seal it with a couple of layers of paint. the bouyancy should then click into place, and a couple of straps across the top should make it secure. I think the whole process can be done for about 15 quid including the paint and cling film.
If it does then prove to take on water, I can remove and dispose.  is it legal to have removable bouyancy so I only fit the additional when it is blowing and I am likely to dump it, and remove it in the light winds and run with minimal but legal buoyancy?
If not it will probably weigh as much as a wet suit so I just guess I will have to sail cold.
my old cheshire cat suffers from swamping and I am thinking of adding additional buoyancy to give it a bit of a lift.

I was thinking that if I got some expanding foam, like the stuff to fill round windows etc, I could build some bouyancy stuck directly to the hull, shape it and paint it up to seal it., and protect it from the sun. this would allow me to shape bouyancy around the bags at the back, leaving a shaped channel to the transom flaps.

I know it would not support being stood on, so installing beneath and around the bags, and posibly around the mast step at the front of the boat. wherever my feet are not going to go. The thought is that it will give a few extra poinds of lift (maybe 10-20 kg) where I most need it low down, at very little cost (buying a buoyancy bag would probably double the value of the boat) and very little extra weight.

Firstly, is there anything in the rules preventing me doing this,
secondly.  has anyone tried this before?
I am doing a number of other things to help the problem, such as new slot gasket but the additional bouyancy will also aid bailing when we tip it in marginal conditions.
any help appreciated.
looking at the possibility of bringing gordon down.
although if it is windy, I might end up with the street legal. will confirm it after the weekend.
as an ex member of Leigh and lowton, and having sailed at northampton, compared the the Mere, I would say both are amazingly consistent and large, and do offer a very different challenge. I do concede to the estuary sailing on 2 venues though.  all I did was look at multimap.  I have travelled the midlands extensively this year on the enterprise circuit, and all the venues have been smaller than any on your list.
Olton mere will be giving out youth prizes this year in their open meeting, and would very much like to be considered for the circuit. The youth will be travelling whatever, certainly 2 boats. possibly as many as 5, along with at least one adult boat.
I think the general balance is very good which you have attained. the geographical spread is good, the variety is too. I guess we would just love to see the double bottomed boats come to us and race against a fleet of AC's on a water where the AC was designed to sail, and where a china doll has an advantage over a baggy or a crusader.
I certainly was not suggesting any event was unsuitable, just more a couple of smaller venues that still have the capability of handling 20+ boats be included on the programme.
in addition, as moon shallow has stated, you have a club with 10+ individals, all under 21 are falling in love with 12s and wanting to get involved. we have good facilities and a great sence of fun, and can give as good a social as any other small club along with accomodation and a huge welcome. let us be part of the youth resurgence in the fleet, as it was foxi and moonshallow that pushed for this youth series in the beginning.
oh, and I dont thing birmingham can be classed as "northern"!!!
I personally will be supporting the young sailing initiative by attending the events as a grown up although I am a long way from qualifying, encouraging and generally getting embarassed when the beat me.
That's a lot of travelling and 3 sea events will be challenging for the youngsters of OMSC. only one river and 2 inland, both on very large and consistent lakes. Dont forget you have a lot of 13-18 yer lods also wanting to take part. most have not travelled before, and all of these sailors sail 4 plank or AC boats.
to balance it a little more, can I suggest that the OMSC and the Trent valley opens also are included would give another river and a small shifty lake. the 2 events are on the same weekend so would only add one more date to the calendar, and would allow many more boats to qualify.
Dissipation has just been donated to OMSC, and last weekend in a force 5, we were taking pleasure cruises for anyone who wanted to have a go. this included kids and maniacs.

It took less than £50 on the insurance, and a few donations of bits, along with a little time to go pick the hull up to get this going.
could this be a way of both revitalising the class, and ensuring any boats that are standing idle in boat parks are used, and encourage people into the fleet?

for small puddles and river sailing, the old 12s are superb. it does not matter how old or decrepid they are, you get a 12 year old out in one, they love it. beats a cadet or an enterprise any day.
I put this appeal out to the class. are there any boats languishing in your boat parks, can you spare a couple of afternoons? could you get that boat out and show what they can do. what they feel like and just how much fun they are. it will save the boats that are abandoned, and will gve a new blood into the class.
If we are proactive about it, it will encourage an AC class, and, most importantly, get people out in the boats, then we can breed the next generation of sailors who will win the bloody mary, the endeavour trophy and most importantly, come off the water with a smile on their face.
Boats / Re: N3047 Trouncer
14 Nov 2008, 07:16
Broken up 2007.:(
can I say a massive thankyou from all of the OMSC team and supporters that turned up to the inlands. the event was well organised, the races well run and the organisers tolerant to a bunch of 4 plankers that turned up tested the quality of the water. can we have it a little warmer next year for when we fall in?
the welcome we got says a lot about this class. everyone was more than happy to give us advice, tips and support.
all of us spent the journey back planning next year's campagn, how we can improve our boats, sailing and technique to catch up with the fleet.
With the exception of myself, the oldest in our flotilla is 18, and all are looking to learn so, give it a few years, and I hope we can be pushing for the top trophies, and the next generation of 12 sailors.
a special thanks to jon brown who put up with naomi for 5 races, and probably needs ear muffs now.
the pink team will be on tour next year, a baggy and street legal have been secured, and with a little negociation we might get that soap dish in the boat park out too. all of us say a big thanks and see you on tour next year!!
i will selectively peel
pity I dont have a few stars, otherwise the a##ls mentioned above could protest 3**5 for being incorrectly numbered.
I think 3455 might be there, so I might be 455 for the day. any vintages turning up?
I have a set of salis that have another boats number on. and not enough time to get them renumbered.
boat is 2947, sails are 3455.
what is the rule with sailing in inlands with the wrong number, or an adapted number so that it is identifiable? or do I have to use an old set of sails?
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