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Messages - martin 1262

Cheapest and easiest is shock cord that wraps around the thwart and the centreboard handle. Adjust length so when fully extended the board is about half way down. You simply remove shockcord when you want board fully raised. 
Paul. Would like to support but I don't have a towbar or crew which is not easy to fix quickly. Appreciate been off sailing scene a while now and would like to get a sail in, if there are boats and or crew then be happy to come out...Martin
It would be interesting to see if there was a vote amongst the association membership whether they would get enough votes to keep foiling rudders. If non foiling rudders make the class more appealing and given this is what the thread is all about then surely the  folk that run the class need to consider that.  I know there will be some that would say we are in a development class but   Is this one development too far and not in the long term interests of the class?
Would have come and brought White Heat back to her spiritual home, but alas packing house for house move next week.
Hope you get a good turnout!
Boats / Re: N2984 Fantasia
06 Mar 2011, 08:47
Good to see a new member, and one in and around Lincs!
I see no-one has posted a reply, but you may have already had the help you need, but if you need some help then there is a fleet of 12's at Hykeham, Lincoln, and on the river at Spalding, (the contact there is Andy Prior who should be able to help you out)
Have you decided where to sail?
Martin 3458 and 2306.
So how much will this cost??  Sorry so sound so vulgar!!
Boats / Re: N2306 Sticky Fingers
03 Nov 2010, 07:57
Hykeham 2010
Boats / Re: N2306 Sticky Fingers
03 Nov 2010, 07:52
Some addtional Photos fdrom the archive. Now sadly for sale :(
We shall all be there can we reserve 4 lasagnes please
I had a Crusader 88, and did not get on very well. It was not very good in light airs. If I had my time again I would have bought a Crusader. Interestingly enough the guy who bought my 88 de keeled it, and it seemed to make some difference, but I guess an original Crusader de keeled would be my bet now!
Lukepw is right not worth doing unless its pink, so everyone in the AC fleet can see you got one!  ;)
Sadly unlikely to be there this time, as work on Starfish needed if she is going to be ready for BW.
Hope its a great event and turnout.
My entry is an either or entry!
Either my foolish, or the Starfish if completed on time.
The way things are goings I dont know, but have every hope it will be the starfish to swell the vintage ranks.
3458 2306
Boats / Re: N2306 Sticky Fingers
20 Apr 2010, 10:48
And Oh, the name had to go...I know I know never change a boats name, but Snafu???
Given then time spent with epoxy glue and paint, it had to be Sticky Fingers.....
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