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Messages - MikeDay

Definitely the canvas rather than PVC type.  I'm not sure you want a boom up one - you can't use these for towing.  If you get a flat one, you can still put a supporting piece of wood (or the boom) under it from the foredeck to the transom.  Prop the bow up and the rain will shed fine.  P&B's covers are excellent and when tightened up really fit perfectly.

Mike D
The history as above is all spot on.  Rob had one, Pete Robinson the other - neither of them slouches in making a Twelve go.  I saw them at Salcombe just after they were launched - and they looked very funky for the time.  I suspect that if Rob hadlimited his experimentation to the floor in a known shape and fast rig, they would have been very quick.  In the event, somewhere between the hull and the rig, they were dogs and neither Pete nor Rob could make them go.  If my memory serves me correctly, Rob took the thinking in the shape into his Brand Loyalty lines but that never really went either, even for John Sears who was also pretty quick around then (and indeed still is!!)

Mike D
Lack of appearances at Thames events no problem - all welcome and thanks for confirming.  PLease could those who haven't replied yet take this as a big nudge!

Mike D
Just two more observations on this thread - first the cost of membership bears no relation to the value.  The NTOA functions in the way it does because many people give their time and skills entirely free of charge.  Without them, the NTOA wouldn't exist or would cost each member hundreds of pounds a year.  If you want to know who they are, look in the front pages of the yearbook and say thanks next time you meet any of them.

Second, I am now in my 37th year of continuous membership (good grief, that makes me old!) and managed to continue belonging through all my impecunious younger days.  I have always regarded it as an honour to belong to the NTOA, regardless of any benefit that might be associated.  I sense that most Twelve owners feel the same.

Mike D

If you're thinking about hiring a mould that means you must be thinking of an existing shape.  One or two designs exist in mould form in the hands of designers or home builders that you would be able to hire/borrow.  The other shapes are owned in mould form by the professional builders.  One option might be to get the hull moulded professionally and then do all the rest of the work yourself.  Graham and Zoe did this with Babel Fish and they would happily tell you what was involved.

Mike D
This one disappeared too fast down the list and it's this coming weekend.  Nice force 3 promised with some sunshine.  Do come and support the meeting if you can.

Mike D
Here's notice of the last Thames Area Meeting of the season at Twickenham on 15th October.  I'm assuming it'll be the usual 11am start with three races.  Twickenham SC is a very friendly club and they do great lunches with enormous puddings.  It's a good wide open reach of the river above Richmond and should provide us with some excellent sailing.

The Thames Area series still has things to be decided.  Graham and Zoe have already racked up enough firsts to win but second can go to any one of  Fran/Sophie, David W/Adele or Mike D/Anne.

Do come and support the meeting and enjoy the day on the river.

Mike D

No problem from my point of view if Spinnaker want to put their meeting in both Thames and SW area - let's try and encourage as many people as possible to get there.  As for the Cotswolds, why not?  Are you thinking of S.Cerney?  I'm sure we could add it to next season's Thames Area, providing that we can take a view on whether it's a 'restricted water' event or not (this has special meanuing within the Thames area), and also that we can fix a date that doesn't clash with other Thames meetings.

In the spirit of true democracy, the Thames Area is traditionally run by a Committee of one or two - that's me and Anne at the moment - so decision made, if that's what you'd like.

Mike D
Great meeting, super cakes, 11 boats (best Thames river meeting turnout this year); ferocious and very localised gusts at times can only be the reason for capsizes performed by some old enough to know better!!

Mike D
This is a very interesting thread and should give us heart for the future of Twelves.  Check it out ... we have a lot of fans out there.

Mike D

One or two people use hikers - I never have - but I think most people don't as the side decks are pretty comfortable compared to Lasers and other flat decked boats.  Maybe the other reason is that in a Twelve, because it's quite tippy and sensitive to changes in wind and waves you're constantly adjusting the way you sit out, maybe moving a bit forward or a bit back, sometimes half in then half out, especially when it's not blowing consistently.  In my experience of sailing Lasers, you plonk yourself on the side deck, feet under the strap, and then change your upper body only.  Here, kikers give you a nice protected stable platform.  I wouldn't want to use them in a Twelve as I'd feel that my felt contact with the boat was being dulled (though I do always use neoprene shorts plus some funky Henri Lloyd sailing overshorts with a discreetly padded bottom)

Oh, and Kevin, thanks for the tip about the mirror.  I shall be ordering mine from P&B directly!

Mike D
"The other thing I have noticed is that all this leaning over the side business makes your legs hurt - do you guys wear hiking shorts as per standard issue in Lasers?"

Rick - no, we're all built like gods with highly-toned muscles that enable us to sit out all day and smile at the same time!

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