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Messages - JohnMurrell


If it helps Salcombe is going for w/c 10.8.2008, subject to approval from the Harbour................


this is possiblly the next logical step..............

Fairly sure its Nicky's old boat - will let her know as she is thinking about getting anther Twelve!!!


Look at class rule 9.5 and you will get your answer - No!!

There had been a dispensation offered a few years ago and in 1999 when I and Linton applied to have invoked for 3444 it was decided by the then NTOA technical committee that we wouldn't be allowed it!

Shame as we both felt that there was a way forward here with rig development and Frank Rowsell was prepared to invest time looking into the impact it would have had with sail shapes Also it wouldn't have a major impact on the fleet as exiting boats could have been retrofitted.

Oh well.......................................................
In answer to Keans question, at least three of the boats were never built despite having numbers allocated - 3425, 3487 and 3504. And in addition another three club race week in week out only  limited interest in travelling away from home, 3435, 3452 and 3480

Also we have to remember that the strength of a class isn't just judged by open meeting numbers - the real strength is in the numbers club racing, the grass roots of our sport.

Currently at Salcombe we have 5 boats that club race on a regular basis and I think that there will be more next year - I doubt that any of them will do any open meetings in 2007 except the 2 Salcombe ones. They have all bought Twelves because they are possibly the best class to sail on the estuary and if we get about 6 boats racing week in week out who needs the agro and expense of trailing around the country to realistically sail against the same people in what amounts to glorified club racing?

We have to remember that not everyone actually enjoys drivng 2 or 3 hours in a car to get to a venue, having had a sparrow f**t start, to sail 3 races and be almost too sh****d out to then drive home!

My personal belief is that historicaly the class has put too much emphesis on the Open Meeting circuit to the detriment of the classes club racing base.

One of the delights of a Twelve is that its possible to pick up a crew of the beach and go sailing - how many crews have been introduced to the class this way and have then gone on to be very competitent helms in the class, I can think of quite a few from Salcombe to start with!!

Will I be doing any opens next year, once the knees allow me back on the water? I doubt it, I will be supporting fleet racing in my home club!

Got that one off my chest.....................................

Thought so!!!
And the burning question is why Paul called 2808 Wild Oats?

And David, do you remember the Shag crew handing out items of brief ladies apparel - suitably graffitied - when they launched her? I think that Mother still has hers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
O'Crikey, how did I manage to post that one twice?
Luckpiewalker, I almost totally agree.....................except that 3444 came along and the rest as they say is!!!!!

3396 is one of those boats that leaves a lasting impression and the only reson I sold her on was that I ran out of space in the workshop, otherwise I think that I would have kept her for posterity. not only carbon space frames but the treetrunk of a Proctor carbon mast, 4 selfbailers, more string than a Fourteen and more lead than the Titanic!
Luckpiewalker, I almost totally agree.....................except that 3444 came along and the rest as they say is!!!!!

3396 is one of those boats that leaves a lasting impression and the only reson I sold her on was that I ran out of space in the workshop, otherwise I think that I would have kept her for posterity. not only carbon space fromes but the treetrunk of a Proctor carbon mast, 4 selfbailers, more string than a Fourteen and more lead than the Titanic!
definately you freaked out when you saw 3396! Hence her being renamed O'Crikey...............

The Freak Outs are very similar to Crusaders, a bit wider aft, not so much freeboard however not one of the was the same. Kevin played with the moulds and its best to talk to him about what he did. I know that Rob altered 3396 a lot underwater, including putting a sort of chine along he last 3 foot a la a Baggy rail. she is now lanuishing in a garage in Callington and Simon Hinks is threatening to get her on the water again..............................but I am not holding my breath - if you read this Simon; thats a challenge!

3257 (Simply Red) was one of my fleet a few years ago - bought  as she was going to be broken up!!!! I renovated her and then sold her on to a guy at Chipstead; I believe that he still has her.

Interisting concept and yes had BIG wedges on either side. The c/board was as close to a dagger board as could be within the rules and only just rotated below the sheerline. I sailed her a couple of times at Saltash but in reality was too heavy and the conditions were very light so can't judge how she sailed.

I think that another of the Postures is at Starcross - stored at the back of the dinghy park last time I was there, not sure which one though.

Don't forget that Rob continued his 'self draining' concepts through to 3396 ( the famous yellow boat) winning the 95 Burton Cup. Now that was a really fun boat to sail and the water definately did self drain..............

the bands on the ex-carbon spar were for the P&B main and the Rowsell jib is nearly to Max f I remember correctly. Also don't forget that the Rowsell luff lengths are different to P&B - Tom increased the length on the one he made for me. Its also worth giving Frank a call - my spies tell me that he can still do a decent discount...............................

Sorry Roger, No!!!
Isn't naming your boat half the fun of the purchase?

Any guesses as to why I called 3435 'fraid not! ?

Answers on a postcard please.......................................................

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