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Messages - paul turner

Mr Jones is now in my new workshop drying out (there are several split planks and joints, plus deck repairs etc required) but before starting the serious work does anyone have any pictures of the original paintwork, condition and layout, and/or contact details for Hugh Welbourn so that I can restore as close to original as possible? I will do my best, but don't expect concourse condition, N2399 has been well used and adapted over the years! P :K) PS Revarnishing of N2359 Shotgun starts next week - it really is very odd (and smelly) boat!
Greetings & HMY to y'all! Entry for Dolly Daydream N2487 also posted several days ago; hotel and crew also booked. P :K)
And there's Sue Jones at Nottingham who is pretty dxmn quick in her Crusader - and you always know where she and Mary Brookman are on the water - just listen for the laughter! Px :K)
And talking of lady drivers, we musn't forget Diane Thornton N2835 (she formerly of Earlswood now residing at Teignmouth) plus Tricia Wood is a pretty competent helm (so good I even lent her my beloved Dolly Daydream at Thorpe Bay this year for a day). My late sister Hilary also sailed a Mk 8 for a few years at TVSC before going over to the dark side (ie she started crewing in a Merlin!). And a quiet word in the ear for Ken Goddard in the other thread on this subject; not certain that your friend Mrs Britton was too impressed at being compared to Jean Gill! Happy Xmas y'all. Px :K)
<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal;">ALVERBANK SAILS LTD[/b]
<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal;">Unit 12, Perkins Yard, Mansfield Road, Derby DE21 4AW[/b]
To all customers, and class associations.
December 2009
Alverbank Sails has been run successfully by Kevan Bloor since the early 1970’s and so it is with great sadness that we have to advise you that the Directors and Shareholders have decided that the Company is to cease trading with immediate effect.
The reasons for this are as follows:
1.    The current recession has meant that orders have virtually dried up since mid-summer despite major marketing initiatives, de-stocking (including the use of eBay), and excellent results at Open Meetings and Championships.
2.    The Company’s reserves and momentum were seriously depleted by Kevan’s stroke last year.
3.    The current and future levels of overheads can no longer be financed.
4.    Kevan will be 65 shortly and, to enable him to fully recover from his health problems, he has decided that he should retire and take a well-earned rest.
We thank you for custom and support over the years and trust that you would all wish Kevan a long and healthy retirement; thanks also go to Janet, and latterly Debi Gibson, for their involvement and support.
Stuart Hopson is planning to start his own sail making business in the near future and Kevan has agreed to advise him on a part time basis; his Partner Debi (who is a fully trained sail maker) will also be there to support him in his new venture. Stuart can be contacted on 07855 946527.
Paul Turner, for the Board & Members
Company number: 1433465
Directors: KF Bloor, J Bloor, PN Horton-Turner FCA
Mike, thank you for those deep thoughts - so what are you buying next to replace Flip Side? I suspect that I know which way you are betting but perhaps I could put in a few observations of my own. Having sailed China Dolls extensively both the 1960/70s and currently, plus having sailed two Mr Jones (currently owning the original) I would descibe the former as being fun sailing and the latter as an exciting, if hairy, challenge. The Doll won the pots AND could be sailed all the way back through the fleet by helms of varying ablilities as an all-rounder. I am concerned that the DCB is just too complex (and possibly too expensive) for us average club sailors, whereas the P2 may not be as pretty but does seem to carry weight, and win prizes AND there is a budget version for club sailors AND there seems to be more boom clearance for the more senior yotters with dodgy knees! Only time will tell. P :K)
And old boats arent competitive on handicap? Px :-/
What about sending a ribbed or vintage yot with a new DB? Px :K)
Greetings Mr Towed - not certain that the delighful ladies wot crew for me will appreciate being referred to as "old girls" or as being "available"! P :K)
Greetings Mr Overomtimistix! Just have a look at the results for Redesmere this year, or Yorkshire Ouse in previous to see how competative vintage N12s can be, both on rivers and ponds, against ACs and DBs. And if you want to take a trip away from your home club you will be very welcome at the assorted vintage events around the country; the "Derwent" handicap meetings make the racing very equal - see Frampton on Severn Report. You will also get lots of help from the vintage wing! Do let us know the details of the boat you are looking at. Whereabouts in the UK are you? Cheers, Paul N2020, N2359, N2487, N2399
Thanks for confirming Tim! Crew and time off already booked; hopefully we will have even more vintage yots there than at Thorpe Bay. I will take Dolly Daydream N2487 (or even possibly Shotgun N2359) and Angus has already booked Mr Jones N2399 from the Turner Collection. Starfish N2020 is also available for loan to a suitably competent helm (and crew!). Px :K)
Early starts - but not TOO early! Accomodation, time off work and crew already booked! Hope that we get an even better turnout of N12s than last year. Maybe I'll bring the fast boat next year? Px :K)
Boats / Re: N3157 Perfect Kiss
28 Oct 2009, 12:51
Notes from Mark Simpson about N3157 Perfect Kiss (Microclipper design)
I spent a number of seasons crewing for Barry Jones in Microclipper.  We did most of our sailing at Tynemouth but travelled to local open meetings at Derwent Res.  There are few things that stick in my memory about the time I spent sailing with Barry.  At one event at Derwent I remember him telling me about the two tone colour on the outside of the hull.  Back then it was an exceptionally attractive boat (not that it’s not now, it was just newer then) with a varnished wooden bottom and a pale brown/beige upper hull and varnished interior.  He explained to me what he was trying to achieve when he designed the boat, sadly I can't remember much of what he said other than where the wooden lower section met the painted section was supposed to be the water line.
 We did two championships, one at Llandudno in 84, I think.  There were about 90 boats there we finished 10th overall, won the canter trophy and had a 6th place in one race.  During one race we were sat in drifting conditions and watched a line of wind/waves moving towards us in the distance.  The change in conditions was almost instantaneous; it was very strange, hence why I remember it to this day.  I think it was during that race that I also remember flying down runs/very broad reaches tucked in the little hole behind the thwart and between the buoyancy bags with Barry rather nervously telling/shouting at me not to move.  I seem to remember that boat was a little twitchy on those legs in high winds!
 We did the Tynemouth champs the following year, 85?  We managed to survive the windy Tuesday (or Wednesday?).  Anyway I remember Barry pointing out that it was now survival conditions as we sailed up one of the beats in the North Bay, the salt water was flying everywhere and we were both complaining of stinging eyes and the foul taste. 
 I don't think we sailed together much following Tynemouth, I think I was starting to get a bit big and perhaps lost a bit of interest at that point and also Barry moved away from the area due to his job. 
 I've not seen Barry since he moved away, but a quick look in the 2009 association handbook shows a B.D.Jones, owner of 3337 living in Newcastle.  Looking 3337 up in main handbook, it is a 'Microwave' designed by Mr Barry Jones.  In previous years Mr BD Jones has been living in Suffolk, so I suspect that Barry has actually moved back to Newcastle within the last few years.  If you make contact with him let him know that I have very fond memories of the time I spent sailing with him and that I wish I had paid more attention to what he was doing to make the boat go!
Saddly Dolly Daydream is now only a "maybe" following her helmsman's shoulder operation on Friday (see Welland report for back ground). Long term prognosis is good for aged helm but recovery slow (but could be speeded by provision of gifts of alcohol!). Px :K)
Thank you Gerald for your kind words; hopefully evreyone enjoyed themselves. The report of the open (both AC/DB and Vintage/4 plank) plus the MAAT final results are with Graham. I would appreciate feed back on this year's new style for the area series; we have had one complaint that we have not promoted youth and 4 plank sailing enough. We will hoover up all responses and improve for next year! Px :K)
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