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Messages - MikeDay

We're currently requiring masts to be a minimum of 5.5kg.  As far as I can ascertain, that weight was chosen at some point simply to reflect the weight of Superspar carbon masts then on the market.

My Chipstow carbon mast came out at 1 kg lower.  I didn't specify a low weight - I just asked for a normal version of their standard carbon mast and that's what I got. As a consequence, I have a strip of lead fed in to each of the spreaders and a large lump wrapped round the mast above the goose neck.  

My mast appears to be perfectly robust enough - and other Chipstow masts, which also carry lead, seem to have been equally reliable.

I don't think it makes any sense for us as a development class to restrict the mast weight in this way.  For boats  that are on the borderline of 78kg, having a lighter mast is another way to get the boat down to weight.  From a PR perspective, wrapping lead around the mast says some odd things about the class.  

So, this is not an argument for reducing the all-up boat weight - we can have that elsewhere - but a plea for our mast weight to reflect what is now normal.

I plan to ask the technical committee to have another look at this but would be interested in others' views first - in case I have missed something critical which would justify retaining the 5.5kg min weight.

Mike D
Well, we're just back after an extended trip down to Cornwall and some surfing on the way back at Bantham.  And it was a great week, as Dave and all the rest have said - fantastic racing, super weather and brain-gurgling decision-making.  The race out to Starhole under the cliffs on Monday and the Bag against the tide on Thursday will remain long in the memory.  

Let's hope for the same next year plus even more boats.  Final top 6 were:
1. John & Mandy Thornton
2. Tim Laws & Sam Game
3. Bruce Johnson & Pierre
4. Mike Day & Anne Murch
5. Dave Wilkins & various
6. Dave & Josie Greening

Mike D
Sounds like a great week and fantastic competition between Graham/Zoe and Tom/Liz.  Big congrats to Graham and Zoe and finally, we have living proof to the poll that's been running on this site for months.  The answer is ... NUMINOUS!

Mike D
N3496 (Numinous)
As a non-Burton Week participant, just thought I'd say how much I'm looking forward to going back to Salcombe next week (after 15 years) and trying to remember the way round.  Looks like the weather is going to be good, at least for the first half of the week.  How many 12s can we expect?

Mike D
Graham - Sounds fantastic ... how many boats entered?

Mike D
It's always good to hear about old 12s being rescued.  There are so many configurations for putting 12s together that it's hard to provide a diagram as such. Paper Darts are fitted out fairly simply - concentrate on the kicker, getting some rig tension and control via the shrouds, and a loose foot that works, and you should be ok.  Also make sure the hull and foils are as smooth and fair as you can get them.  Whereabouts is the boat?  It might be easier to put you in touch with a local 12 and you could then go and have a look at one.  Also, there'll be someone with some spare old sails if you keep asking via this site.  Good luck!

Mike D
... was great on Saturday - and a wet, windy non-event on Sunday.  Well done to Fran for winning and keeping the pressure on at the top of the Thames Area series, and well done also to all 12 who came along to support the event.

Mike D
Annie, Flipside and I are planning to be there.  Anyone know the start time for Saturday's first race?

Mike D
Just reading in my just-out Ratchet (well done as always, Mike) about next year's 70th anniversary plans and especially the Anniversary Regatta at Pitsford event at Spring Bank Holiday.  It sounds great and of course we'd want to be there.  I just wondered where that will leave one of the most important annual meetings in our calendar - the Royal Harwich meeting?  I recognise in an already crowded programme that finding a three-day weekend that doesn't clash with an established meeting will be very tricky, and it's really important to be celebrating an important anniversary properly.  However, I also wouldn't want to see us losing RHYC as a meeting if we don't show up one year.  I assume all this has been thought through ...?

Mike D
er, ok -  I know I had one or two problems measuring - now I know why!  Actually, that should have been cm - still haven't got the hang of these metric measurements.

Mike D
- and another thing ... when a gust hits you on the run and the wobbles start, pull in a foot or more of mainsheet quickly - it's not a quick way to sail but it will stabilise you.  Let it out again as soon as you feel safe.

Mike D
On the run, you have to get the weight back.  The helm should be sitting off the quarter on one side, the crew in the same position on the other.  In my Baggy many years ago, and in subsequent boats, I had a single windsurfer toe strap mounted in the middle of the boat on the back tank, about 20m from the transom.  This gives you a solid place to hook your back foot in, with the front foot under the toe strap.  This makes it feel much more stable.

Mike D
Lowish in numbers but very high quality sailing and hospitality - thanks Bob and Maggie ...

Mike D
You need to talk to Kevan Bloor - address in the yearbook or elsewhere on this site.  He lloks after all 12 certification and registration.

Mike D
I'm with the consensus emerging above.  We don't have many sea meetings and it's hard for a club to justify putting one on for us if they don't have any 12s themselves.  I'd prefer it to be a 12 only or shared with one other class, but I'd rather be there with their club racing than not at all.  So, we should try to get as many boats as possible and give Kevin and others more bargaining power for next year.  Anne and I will be there with Flipside.

Mike D
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