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Messages - Chadders

Bag covers are great but if you have specific fixing points (blocks glued to the hull etc) you will need to send them a sketch of where to put the eyelet holes.  A clear pocket in the front is handy for course cards etc as well.  Tim Gatti even has some green canvas ones on Mat to match his canvas foredeck cover, very traditional they are too.
Great open meeting at Yorkshire Ouse at the weekend and a well deserved win by Philip and Helen David hotly pursued by Bernard and Ellie Clark.  Thanks to the race officers, catering crew and all concerned I look forward to reading a report in due course (subtle hint Vince?) and seeing some photographs from all the camera's that were in use as we sniggled in and out of the moored motor cruisers with a fast running river and shifty force 3ish breeze, very exciting! Ten boats in total raced 8 vintage one 4 planker and an Admirals Cupper.  Howard C 
Hi Barber Haulers were handy once upon a time but your best bet is to ditch them and fit a dangly pole!  If your  fairleads are in the correct place then all you need is the dangly pole to push the jib out and make it set nicely on a reach/broad reach and of course to windward on a run to replace the old style jib stick.  Easy to fit, easy to use and I am sure the information on fitting one is on the web site.  Debate a while ago came up with 1.6 mtrs as the optimum length, aluminium is OK carbon is better and you can buy a kit from PnB.  Old fishing poles (broken ones?) can  sometimes be obtained and are much cheaper but not necessarily as strong.  The big gain is that you can control the pole and it is easier with a small crew than the old jib stick ever was.  Howard C
We will be there too probably with our vintage boat N2266 although if it looks wild we may switch to our D8 Squidgy Bits.  Apologies we wont be able to stay for the evening due to my crews social commitments but will be back for Sundays racing.  Howard C aka Chadders.
N2266 Triarda will also be on parade, washed the salt off but no other adjustments since Thorpe Bay. Helen crewing on Saturday and crew supplied from the Purkis reserve fleet on Sunday.  We will also be at the BBQ and in case he misses the point (he occasionally does) Paul and Christine have booked at room in Knaresborough so count them in with Starfish as far as I know.  Howard C aka Chadders.
Correction to a statement above Jonathan did not win the vintage!  Tim Gatti and Yvonne McInnes won the overall vintage points (Shotgun Trophy presented by Paul Turner and Mike Nokes) Howard and Liz were 2nd and the first vintage in the Burton Cup was Howard Chadwick and Liz Wady with Tim and Yvonne second with a boat length between at the finish line.
I have done several Burtons since 1967 but not been since 1990 however this one was the best by far and am looking forward to next year at Weymouth.  Well done to all concerned for a great event on and off the water the 4 day format worked well and the numbers say it all in my view.  As an aside non of the vintage boats suffered damage due to the wild conditions as far as I am aware although Jonathan did spring a plank which he fixed with window sealant without the need for an insurance claim!  Paul Turner also needs a prize for his back flip from a high speed China Doll, very spectacular!  Howard C aka Chadders
Hi Paul where abouts are you situated?  Vintage 12s do come up sometimes looking for a new home and free but it you need to be careful as the cost of bits and decent sails etc can soon make an initially cheap boat very expensive although the discussion pages are a good place to start looking for boats and if you find one, sails and equipment if needed to go with it.  12 owners are usually very generous with help, information and boats and equipment.  If you have a few quid N1777 Cinzano is on the for sale list and she is a cracker and well equipped and no I am not on a percentage!  The vintage series started on Saturday at Ripon with 9 boats from all over the country, we had great racing, a report should appear very soon I hope.  All the events are in the fixture list and the next one is at Yorkshire Ouse on the 6/7th June.  Give me a call if you want any more information or help, I am in the book and will be a Burton along with at least 6 other vintage boats.  Howard Chadwick Vintage Wing Representative. N2, N2266, N2769 and N33568)
Boats / Re: N3356 Squidgy Bits
13 May 2009, 07:00
Squidgy Bits at Annandale April 09 4th overall and first AC with no swims!
I make that 8 boats at least, looking good for some tight racing methinks!
Howard C
Some clarification-
1 Chris, I was thinking of Brian Herring but perhaps he is Winsford Flash or something?  Anyway he lives in the Stockbroker belt of Cheshire and it would be great to see Alan if he can make it as well.
2  No Jonathan I dont think that Ripon has a plug in the bottom and on Wednesday evening I probed the bottom twice with the top of Triarda's mast but found nothing to substantiate your theory although the Yorkshire rain would re-fill the lake even our rain cannot compete with your tides!
3  At least one member of Yorkshire Ouse has confirmed that they are joining us (thank you Ian and Margaret) but others remain quiet possibly concerned by the curently declared competion?
Boats / Re: N3406 Whizz Bang
05 May 2009, 05:20
Like the boom end braking system Angus!
Hi all who is coming out to play then?  First event of the series at Ripon on Saturday 16th May and the first race is at 1200 hrs!  So fer we have entries from Frampton, Trent Valley, Redesmere, Ripon and Yeadon.  (The Yorkshire Ouse Fleet are keeping us guessing)  The galley will be open and we have at least one spare crew so how about coming to join us.  It is also a "Derwent Handicap Event" and you need at least one of these to qualify for the series!  A great way to tune up for Burton so come on chaps, see you on the water.  Howard C  aka Chadders
Thats it then Chris you really do have to get your rudder to stay down.  Look forward to seeing you at Thorpe Bay, I am sailing my vintage so you should leave us for dead this time!  Make sure you enter this week and save a few bob. Howard  PS Sarah wants to do a watercolour from your early morning Annandale picture do we have any copyright issues?
What can I add?  An absolutley fantastic weekend and thanks to all at Annandale for making it happen and the race team for awaiting our finish after the thunderstorm and 30mph suddenly stopped and dropped to zero wind and a steady downpour.  Great sailing, fantastic social and catering.  We will try very hard to come back next year!
Must have been a Jolly Meeting!!  I didnt realise the event started on Friday is this correct or was it a really good meeting?
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