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Messages - paul turner

"Baffled of Breaston" here! The website still says that only 48 have entered - but word is that we have 60+ going to the Burton? ??)
Looks like we are already up to 12 entries for the first in the new Midland Area 2009 event - and I am still awaiting some call backs! Ken is still away so please post your intentions to join us (with your lunch orders) here or call me/email. Thanks, Paul :K)
Greetings All! Ken and I have sent out lots of personal invitations and with the interest above plus club support we are probably already into double figures! IT REALLY WOULD HELP US IF ANYONE INTENDING WANTS LUNCH COULD LET US KNOW ASAP TO HELP WITH CATERING, PLEASE! Ken is away from tomorrow for a weesk or so and Jean is taking messages but feel free to call, email or text me please about catering and/or if you are coming to sail. We really would love to see loads of you at TVSC for the first of the new "Rivers and Ponds" MAAT 2009 series. Cheers, Paul 07710 324 800m :K)
Hi Geoff. Several people have asked me to reply to your plea. Ian & Sam Kelly bought the old Starboard and transfered the business to Castle Donington from where they traded for at least two years before Evolution was formed in February 2006; you must have left your boat with the old Starboard pre 2004, over five years ago? I joined Evolution in October 2006 (and left June 2007!) and can assure you that there were no N12s lurking anywhere on the premises when I was there, sorry. If you are keen to do some Starfish sailing, please give me a call as N2020 (the orginal) is not getting sailed - she's only booked out for Angus Beyts to sail at the Burton this year! Paul
Great response so far to the first of the new Midland Area events 2009 - and the personal invitations haven't all gone out yet! Christine and I will be there in N3157 and hopefully Peter Fergy (with his new sails and beautifully re-vamped Crusader), Ann Britton (with new dangley pole and less string) and Ian Norman (newly varnished) will also be coming out to play. P:K)
Are we still on only 48 entries? The list seems to have stuck at that figure for several weeks now. And only 5 vintage yots? Come on boys and girls - get sorted and enter now! Px :K)
Will be there! :K)
I say
I say
I say
What is the plural noun for a collection of CRABS?
A dose? ;D
Good to meet up with you Mr B; glad that you have decided to join the National 12s. Pleased to be of asistance - and I thought that 3422 was a Final Chapter!
I also have for disposal several other old suits of sails, couple of metal booms, various old (and not so old ) surplus fittings and some rudder/tiller bits if anyone else is restoring/fitting old boats. Oh, and a Lark mast (same lenght as an N12 mast) - looks like an early "C" section. Chris Cox is coming up this weekend to rumage through but if anyone else is interested........ email me at (ignore the out of office reply!) :K) 
If you are still wondering about whether to go to NWNW or not, hopefully the article posted as "view from the back" of the fleet on last year's events list NWNW will entertain/amuse you and inspire the waverers to join us! :K)
Dearest Chadders & Other Vintage Yotters. More good news; talked to Angus last night and he is taking N2020 Starfish to the Burton. Probably won't do the whole four days but certainly the Burton Cup. He would have posted this himself but he has interweb connection problems! :)
With all the discussion about the Burton, NWNW, the Youth Series etc I wouldn't like the new style MIDLAND AREA ARMADA TROPHY SERIES to be overlooked. It's taken a lot of effort to re-tuned this into a "rivers and ponds" series for club sailors (especially AC, 4 plank and vintage yotters); we have left out the big waters, focusing instead on the smaller clubs.
There is one meeting a month May to August with a final special two-venue event in September. We have welcomed back Redesmere on to the curcuit, and we have a new venue this year at Welland. Last year 62 boats competed at some time in the MAAT and, although we may not get the same total numbers we will hopefully persuade more club sailors to travel, if only once!
Please see the main website for details. (And I will try to do better this year - in 2008 I came last despite winning at Olton Mere?) :o
Positive comments and messages of support very welcome!
Paul N2020, N2359, N2487, N3157 :K)
Midland Area Rep 07710 324 800
Me thinks that we have got them worried! And rightly so.:K)
Tim, Roger used the t/flap cut-outs and the top of the transom now cut away to repair the rotten parts of transom before grafting on the three pieces of planking from Mike; too complicated for me to attempt. The rest of the hull is ok except all the rubbing strakes have had to be replaced (totally rotten) with some strips of teak which were handy (and free) and in a few places we have had to fill the planking just undeneath with West. You will see that we have removed the bilge keels and the main keel had to be reduced because of damage - we still have a problem with a rotten section along the starboard side of the centreboard case but we are going to put that repair on hold as the boat is going to Gerry Ledger over Xmas for a new (wide/lightweight) centreboard case; Chadders has very kindly donated a wooden board. I don't intend refitting the brass keel bands - unless I really need to; I thought the simple solution to fixing the centreboard slot gasket would be to stick it to the keel - any thoughts or tips? Those of the more sensitive noses than I seem to think that the smell is not cat, but worse. However, mercifully the odure is disappearing slowly but I will give the offending area a wipe down with Jeyes before whizzing down to Gerry. I await with interest Derek's further observations, or indeed, form anyone! Cheers, Paul PS and when the boat comes back we have the rather odd rig (possibly ex-Lark?) to sort out! Maybe she'll be ready for the Burton?
So girls and boys - the scores so far after less than two days are:
Yes vintage - Gattiman, Messrs White & Jones and Jonathon = 3
Going to the Burton, probable vintage - Chadders, et moi = 2 (actually it's Kevan's FC I was going to borrow centremain and all!)
Possible/maybe - Roly Mo = 1 :-/
Offers of vintage boats to borrow = 2
And we still haven't heard from some of the usual suspects! 8)
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