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Messages - Chadders

Not seen a report as yet but in short!!-
Mark and Emma survived one lap and won.  Well Done Fantastic Performance given the 30mph+ winds down the river and inclusive of 10 to 20 degree shifts just to make it a tad tricky!
  Quote from Mark "Not been that fast for a while"
Howard,s:-    Steavenson fell in once made the top mark but then returned under jib
                Chadwick made the top mark fell in several times, hit the trees and came in under jib.
Philip David/John Cheetham  made it to the first bend and turned round to come back (Good Decision)
Teams Herring, Purkis and Beyts dissapeared shortly after the start!   An even better decision!!!!!!!
Great hospitality and grub for those able to sail and thanks to the OOD for a good decision to shorten to one lap although if he had kept to two we would all have ended up with 9 points I suspect.  Howard C aka Chadders.
Many thanks for all the accomodation pointers Team Squidgy are now booked in.  Briarwood has only one room left but we got in at Smallrigg which looks to be in walking distance.  We will be driving up am Saturday too so 1300 looks like a good start time.
Team Squidgy are also heading to Annandale, anyone got any info on BnB in the area?8)
Hi all just wondering who is coming out to play on the Tyne this Sunday? 
Eleven am start and it should be sunny and warm (ish) so it should be a good sail!  The OOD promises not to send us into the trees and the pub is on standby for after racing so what could be better?  Squidgy Bits is going, who else???????????
Decided to re-start my winter refurb of Triarda today after clearing the snow off Squidgy Bits, My launching trolley now has a low profile support for faster launching and I found an old excercise bike behind the Paperdart in the shed so the fitness campaign has also started, if you don't hear of any heart attacks be afraid Mr Turner!  I also checked my weight so it's diet time as well.  Seems like I have a lot to do but I have paid my entry and being a tight Yorkshireman I am not about to waste it so the campaign is on!
Good plan I have entered too with my Starfish!  Howard C
Hi Bern  Yeadon has a 3 Pico rack fastened to the side of a container.  Neil may be able to locate a sketch otherwise I could photograph/measure next time I go up.  System works well and the masts and sails live in the adjoining container with the rescue boat. Howard C aka Chadders
Hi Angus  3133 is a vintage boat and would be most welcome on the vintage circuit even with you at the helm.  The term vintage is defined as overlapping planks and includes ribbed and glued boats.  I was surprised to see that such a late boat had been built as a clinker hull but non the less she fits the definition as far as I can see and looks in very good nick.  Hope Agent Orange wont be jealous and just think you will be able to practice for Thorpe Bay!  Are you still thinking of sailing Starfish? H8)
You and Fortune will be most welcome at all vintage events and at Burton, I have now sorted a crew and will be booking accomodation so hope to see you at Thorpe Bay.  Welcome to the fleet, hope to see you on the water soon. Howard C (AKA Chadders) 
PS Vince and family are sorted with accomodation and baby sitting facilities too so that's a 7 planked whisper on the list too!
Jonathan Tim is 100% correct in his answer, we will all need valid certificates and must measure etc.  Kevan is indeed the correct starting point for a replacement certificate and he has a lot of information on file so he should be the first call.  You mentioned the great fire, was it the great fire of London, I thought the 12 only came out in 1936!  I too will be surprised if we are under weight and I am sure your oak nameplate could be considered as a rudder fitting at a pinch so dont panic too much!8)
Almost up to date Paul, add in Brian Herring if he can re-schedule his big wedding anniversary (braver man than I), Vince Philips who after a bevy or too on Saturday was very positive, and Ed Willett who is I understand very tempted despite the distance from Scotland.  Surely Brian Kitching could be tempted out in his Chimp if we try really hard since at this rate we could outnumber the DB boats!  Ah well back to some more marketing.;D
Oh and as vintage rep person having won a new jib it will definately be vintage for me too rather than a probable (N2266)8)
A combination of the revised format for the Burton in 2009 coupled with the performances of Richard White, Paul Turner and especially Tim Gatti at last years champs seems to have sparked major interest amongst vintage (and Northern) boats for Thorpe Bay next May.
So far I have firm indications from at least 7 vintage boats that they intend to go and some have already booked accommodation!  Others are thinking about it and at least two vintage owners in the North are coming but currently need to be persuaded to switch from more modern craft into their proper boats. 
For the avoidance of doubt the term vintage refers to clinker built boats (ribbed or glued) and not necessarily to the age of the helms!
Please feel free to add to this post if you are coming to join us.  A Burton website should soon be linked to the class website so please look out for it.
Howard Chadwick    Vintage Wing Representative (a.k.a. Chadders)
N2, N2266, N2769 and N3356  8)
Boats / Re: N427 Otterzell
26 Nov 2008, 09:01
Otterzell was acquired by Clifford Chadwick in or around 1950 and at that time she was called Pride of Naburn and owned by Commander Palms who founded Yorkshire Ouse Sailing Club in 1938. 
She was in need of major refurbishment and over two years she was re-decked, had ribs replaced and planking repaired.  At the age of 7 or so I was allowed to crew and after a few years eventually managed to take over the helm from my father.  Sadly on one windy day my lady crew reported a problem as she had put her foot through the bottom of the boat!!  On closer inspection we found very significant rot and in the end had to admit defeat and add her to the Yeadon Sailing Club Bonfire of 1971.  The name was re-used in 1985 when Donald Acklam built me a new Crusader N3245.  Part of the original lives on in the form of the bow fitting which was made into a trophy appropriatley called the 427 Trophy.  Yeadon and Yorkshire Ouse Sailing Clubs sailed an end of season team race for many years although not recently.  Hopefully this may be resurected one day as the trophy currently resides with Yorkshire Ouse and needs to won back I feel.
Howard Chadwick with fond memories of wet feet.8)
Hi Simon
Jane is correct but well done on pulling over to allow Nutmeg to overtake!!  Old shrouds or shroud extensions with a stainless clip make a good safety strop.  If you dont have something to cut down or use let me know and will look in my old bits that may come in box!  Howard.  PS I thought Mark S was the fastest 12 at Newburn but it seems you have eclipsed his well deserved win!
Great mag and well worth a look and thanks again to whoever provided the information/press release!
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