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Messages - Chadders

Great to see support for the RNLI but the petition closed in October and information posted suggests that the RNLI bill should go down under the revised scheme not up so panic over it seems.
In support of Mini's I did the Whitstable Burton in about 71 in an 850 mini with 4 people in it and no problems except we had to travel at night to help with the overheating.  No problem with any modern car I would have thought as long as you can get the gear in.
Looks like a nice day with about 10mph so I will keep the sun glasses but add a drysuit instead of the sun cream and see you all at Ripon, hope to make all days in the series except when we go to Newburn next week for our open on the Tyne. Looking forward to seeing all these new Northern 12's, better use my new sails or we will be left behind.  Howard C.
Thank goodness thats the day we are in Tenerife, but we will be thinking of you Bern!
Squidgy Bits will be coming to most Sundays just time off for a holiday and of course the Newburn Open Meeting.  Any more playing out?
Working hard on this one and currently 90%++ on to sail. 
If we get a few vintage boats I will bring Triada (2266) but if not it looks like Squidgy Bits (3356).  I will however be encouraging as many of our vintage fleet as possible so here's hoping for a good vintage fleet on the lumpy stuff.  Come on chaps get your names on the list and lets make it a cracker of an event. Howard C  aka Chadders
Interesting and varied debate just to add as a retired, older and overweight person!  I did my last Burton in 1990 but with the new format I hope to be doing my next one in 2009 and I am looking forward to it.  Us oldies may even be able to last 4 days and enjoy the sailing and socialising.  Guess I will need a compass too as we dont need them very often on Yeadon Tarn. 
I will decide which boat to bring after sounding out a few of our vintage fleet pals after all we did get 3 vintage boats out for the Burton Cup this year.  Any early takers???
Howard C aka Chadders   N2, N2266, N2769 and N3356 8)
Nice breeze and sunshine forecast so it should be a great sail!  Some real nice grub on the menu too.  Come on Paul it will be nice and gentle and we will look after you honest.
Details of likely wind shifts can be calculated using the landing and departure board at Leeds Bradford Airport, all known supermarket trollies have been removed so just the Large Carp to watch out for.  See you at Yeadon. HowardC
Vintage yotters wot I know about include Brian K, Bern if its not too windy for Ellie, Tim G if Sally signs his pass, Brian Herring if his car makes it over the pennines, Vince if its not too windy for Alex and me if I rememember to set my alarm although Andrew Benn is collecting Squidgy Bits in the morning so he will knock me up I guess! 
Not heard from but probables include Ian Purkis, Philip David and Gary from Yorkshire Ouse + a few others that may come out to play including you Paul unless vintage the competition is too strong for you and you bring your AC boat.  Forecast on XCweather shows up to 18mph so just right for us oldies!  ;D 8)
STOP PRESS as at 5pm XCweather shows 20-22mph in the afternoon, looks good to me Paul.
Well what a great sail, wind and sunshine all day, my crew had her shorts on and I was third overall and first AC boat in Squidgy Bits!  Then again put another way I was last but I think the first comment has a better spin to it.  Those who are good at maths can work out how many entries we had.  A shame as it was an excellent event and thanks to Derwent SC for looking after us so well.  No doubt a full report will appear in due course.  Howard C
Hi Martin, Happy new boat and welcome to the fleet, see you at Ripon and Yeadon, hope you get a crew sorted. Howard C
Hi Tim looks like I now have two boats competing, Pete Slingsby will  be sailing Squidgy (probably) and I will sail Triada or N2 if the weather looks kind and I get the to do list worked through.
Howard C N various
Hmm still looks like Aardvark and Squidgy at this stage, Neil also needs a crew as well as John C lets hope we can find some and double the fleet then!
Howard C8)
We have a Northern Open meeting at Derwent scheduled for next Sunday, its a great venue and Team Squidgy is all set to go but so far I have seen no details of start time etc??  Does anybody know and who else is going??
Please post some positive replies below or we are going to be very lonely.
Howard C
N various
Yorkshire Dales is a great piece of water you will enjoy it Angus. Our Yeadon 12 fleet are running a Streaker open on Sunday so I dont think any of our fleet will be able to come out to play but you may get some takers from YOSC where it was flooded out last weekend or Ripon perhaps?  Howard C
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