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Messages - JohnMurrell

Boats / Re: N3543 D. B. Cooper
17 Aug 2012, 02:24
3 more....................
Boats / Re: N3543 D. B. Cooper
17 Aug 2012, 02:23
The first images of a new design? Salcombe Town Regatta 2012
Unfortunately not an easy answer...............
The Class rules allow a max of 6100mm from sheerline to the top band and I think its fair to say that most people try to achieve this to give max head room for both crew and to a lesser extent the helm. One thing to also remember is that the taller the rig, the more healing movement you get.
The key to getting the height right is finding the sheerline and then measure the distance from the hog to the sheerline. You then add that to your chosen rig height. In theory there should be a sheerline marked on your existing mast but given the age of the boat I suspect that you won't find one or if you do it might be incorrect.
If you go to the 'Owners Stuff' - top right of the webpage - and follow the links there to both class rules and more importantly the measurers guide you will find the way to measure a sheerline and the get the correct mast measurements.
And as to spreader height - I have seen so many variables on this measurement through the years but I have posted a Needlespar mast set up on the forum before, from memory look at N2760 on the database.
Good luck with the search
2 well known Twelve helms enjoying a bit of R and R?
And as promised to those involved, no sail logos on display.......................................
And there are photographs on the Fotoboat website................. :o
Had you thought of ringing Phil ;) ?  Alternatively Spud may remember. I was always under the impression that Rowsells did the whole build and Phil fitted the boat out.
I don't have Phils phone number  byt if you call to Frank Rowsell he should be able to help.
Ah! I have a Rowsell built China Doll ( N2632 Dinsdale) in a similar state..........................................
On the Doll the plate  box was glued to the mouldings on either side of the ply case box and this was in turn glued and screwed to the hog. The screws had been capped off so were a bit of a sod to get out but once done the plate case came out relatively easily with the careful use of a very sharp chisel, being careful not to damage the hog in the process. I have kept the remains of the old box to use as a template for the new one.
In my 'case' (pardon the pun) the glue was on the verge of failing and in reality the very corroded brass screws and thwart were all that was actually holding the assembly in the boat.
Does anyone know about this? I have just put my National Twelve +2' on it and noticed that Old Socks is there too.
'twas I, but despite taking over 400 pics I seem to have missed Beans, sorry.
I did catch however catch one of the RNLI's best having a bit of bother - ok it a Merlin but he did win a Burton week race..........................................................
General National 12 chat / Re: Trapeze?
27 Oct 2011, 10:04
Icecreamman is right, there was a picture of John Royce with a kite up in one of the old class newsletters. From memory it was a TVSC handicap race; I will try to find the article, scan and post it here
The entry forms are on the SYC website -
The boats will be kept at Batson Boatpark - about 15mins sailing from the start line. When you get to Salcombe follow the road signs to Batson and you can't miss it............ famous last words!
There will be no charge for keeping boats there nor do you have to pay any harbour dues - all we ask is that you park your boats in a seemly fashion and take everything you bring with you home again!
The club is open on Friday evening for beer (till you drink it dry)  and food (until 20.30) and will be having a competitors meal on Saturday night.
The Club doesn't have any accomodation but the Salcombe TIC - has loads of help.
If you are planning on coming down could you let us know so that we are well prepared for the invasion...............................
Yes it did blow a bit...................................
Peter to Dad Simon ' I think that you have broken your rudder'
Jemima to Peter ' Don't worry about your Dad, look where you are going!'
Peter 'Drat!' (or words to that effect...........................................)
On  the list  of things to do on Monday morning.............................:-/
And I believe that Grandad Philip is resigned to not 'Wandering' the streets of Salcombe that night and is offering a baby(nanny?):ositting service in Grenville Road so that Meds and Katy can let their hair down
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