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Messages - 3513SL

Boats / Re: N3551 Over The Rainbow
05 Apr 2021, 08:12

Built during 2019 by Simon Hipkin Boats, N3551 was just about ready when I collected her from Simon's workshop in January 2020. Simon and I spent a day 'finalising' N3551, but it was clear that the build quality and attention to detail was incredible. The full story behind why we decided to buy new is in the 2020 Newsletter.

First launched at RHYC in February 2020 at the Mid-Winter Champs, we sailed straight into the first race and held good speed. N3551 was a delight to sail. Coming from a Feeling Foolish, we had a lot to learn still, with a custom internal layout and the T-Foil rudder. Aside from the odd adjustment here and there, we seemed to sail N3551 quicker each time we went out which is encouraging.

After a shortened season in 2020, N3551 went back to Simon's workshop in early 2021 to have the graphics applied and they really are the 'finishing touch'. Much like with our Feeling Foolish, the plan is to club race at RHYC whilst attending N12 Open Meetings, Norfolk Week, Burton Week etc.
Boats / Re: N3333 Deeply Dippy
25 Mar 2021, 02:47
The story goes that N3333 was very much a Baggy Trousers, although the amateur builder didn't want to pay royalties to Mr Peebles.
Perhaps that is why we've never seen another 'Fubar' design made, boat made by Flatcocit Boats, or N12 design from the suspiciously named designer. 'Colin Hamster'.

I don't know what Fubar relates to, but a quick Google search might enlighten any inquisitive minds - be warned.
Boats / Re: N3364 Demolition
25 Mar 2021, 02:42
The name perhaps sealed N3364's fate. It was purchased on eBay for  around £200 and stored in the new owner's garage for years. With the tired hull delaminating, the owner then removed the fittings and cut it up.

So N3364 is no more, but I'm sure she gave many years of enjoyment to those who sailed her.

For the record, it wasn't me who bought N3364 from eBay - I won't name who did!
Boats / Re: N3198 Inca
22 Mar 2021, 05:38
Originally built by Nigel Waller for Bruce Johnson, Bruce asked Nigel to make it after some great & successful racing in Dave Peacock's Baggy Trousers at an Open Meeting at Weymouth in 1982. It then passed onto Leslie Ross, Barry Jones, Jon Brown and a few others, until relocating (again) to Suffolk in 2007.

Well used initially, it has been un-sailed for the best part of 15 years, however was kept inside and dry. I collected Inca in March 2021 and donated her to Royal Harwich Yacht Club, to build the growing fleet of club dinghies. A lot of the adults who are sailing at RHYC now, grew up there in N12s and it is hoped Inca will provide the opportunity for their children to enjoy National 12 sailing, whilst helping the (re)growing N12 fleet there.

Some photos attached, the first time I rigged her after replacing most of the lines and a lick of paint here and there.

Pleased to confirm that, if the current roadmap for changing restrictions on 12th April is maintained, Salcombe YC will be running the National 12 Open in May. (1st to 3rd May).

Entry has now been opened up online, available to here:

Thanks to all those who attended and of course to those who shared their knowledge. Apologies to Graham, we'll have to re-schedule your T-Foil chat.

I think we had about 40 households attend, about 60 individuals I think.

Lots to take on board, thankfully we can recap what was said, or watch for the first time if you missed out - the link is here:

Boats / Re: N3317 Ninky Nonk
05 Mar 2021, 07:35
Some footage of N3317 in this YouTube clip from 1994, club racing at Northampton SC.

On 13th March we are going to host a virtual N12 Q&A session with some of the experts in the class.

We will post a Zoom link nearer the time, but make sure you attend to get the best out of your N12 this year!

With Andy Davis from HD Sails and multiple N12 class champions, we are set to learn plenty of secrets!
To confirm, the NTOA's intention is to still run this event in August 2021. Based on the current focus against travel abroad, we expect Burton Week but also the South Coast to be popular for holiday destinations, so would recommend sorting accommodation early! Camping situation TBA.

Shoreham have also asked for an early indication of interest - so if you're thinking of coming, let us know in this thread - and bring a friend (we can find boats for competent sailors to borrow)....

We'll be there, first Burton Week for N3551.
Boats / Re: N3524 Paradigm Buster
04 Feb 2021, 05:20
Spotted at Snettisham Beach SC, during Norfolk Week 2019.

Boats / Re: N3430 The Cats Pyjamas
04 Feb 2021, 05:18
Spotted during Norfolk Week - 2019
Boats / Re: N3310 Surface Tension
04 Feb 2021, 05:11
A photo from when I visited Simon Hipkin's Workshop in Spring 2018.

Boats / Re: N3395 Ysobel
02 Feb 2021, 11:44
Until very recently N3395 was in the RHYC Dinghy Park for a number of years, I think I've seen her sailed once in the past 10 years. Believe the owner is Mr. V. Phillips!

Boats / Re: N3513 Silver Lining
01 Feb 2021, 04:17
There was a photo with the above post, however it is no longer showing.

However, to update, we've been sailing Silver Lining for 5 years now and have enjoyed some success as Non-T Foil at Open Meetings, but most of our success has been at RHYC, especially on a Wednesday Evening, an example pictured below:

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