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Messages - janeysailor12

[quote by=Jimbo42 link=Blah.cgi?b=Cool1,m=1170179937,s=6 date=1174077940]Simon!

those wucking fankers [/quote]   Ewwww dear Jim  was there really any need?  >:(

Janey...........not a prude but there are limits

Yep my thoughts exactly!  When they allowed us Internet access at lunch times at work....they did'nt know what they were letting themselves in for....good old Britannia Building Society...anyone want a mortgage??  ;D
........looks like it!  ;D

Yes Rock Week and Camel Week are one and the same.  We are taking the B14 to Rock Week, and doing an AWFUL lot of travelling with the B this year.....we've considered entering the Worlds too at Restronget.  So the 12 will be kept for club racing and we proabaly won't be doing too may 12 opens this year...if any.  The last 12 open we did (70th Anniversary) we sustained some gunnell damage another 12 sailor (who will be namless but I kow who he is) managed to capsise on us and put his shoud through our lovely white wooden gunnell, we have repaired her but the water is starting to seep through other parts of the gunnells as well and Mike is going to strip the varnish and epoxy and re-do her.  So her sailing carrer is limited this year I'm afraid.

That sounds like fun jim.....(NOT!!)  ;D  We probably won't do BW no.  It usually clashes with the week we always do at Rock in cornwall...and as we won the Rock trophy last year we have to go and defend it it'd be churlish not to....and it's MY excuse for getting some surfing done....(now that's a PROPER sport).  We would be taking the B down to Rock this year too.  How nice if we could win the trophy again this year but this time in the B.  Thus proving that B14's and National 12's are as good as each other given the conditions and the helm & crew!!

Janey x
What....What????....PLEEEEEEEEESE elaborate what you did to the Commodores wife.  I'm really intrigued....

Janey......(possibly wishing she had'nt asked the question but hey!)
Well....those brave souls who did the Starcoss Steamer (I did see you both) Crusader & a Baggy if I remember...well done!!!  The B14 was a complete death trap...and yes...we DID capsise HUGELY!!!  :X on a gybe which did'nt....gybe that is!!......I tried to fling the you a 12...but the B loads up sooooooooooo much when she stops I did'nt have a ghost of a chance......anyway we literally blew least we did'nt "go down the mine".  We did'nt finish the race, we were both too knackered to be honest.  (mental note...need to join a gym)......I guess you two 12's did?  And if we'd been in our 12 we would have finished too.  As a finishing note one of the B14's managed to clock up 27 knots!!! that's what I CALL fast!  ;D

Hi Emma,

I'll look out for you and James.  Our B is called "Moondance" HUGE great beast of a thing you can't miss it.  

General National 12 chat / Starcross
19 Feb 2007, 01:38
Oh TELL me about it....Mike fiddles constantly with the rig when we are's the nature of the beast (the boat beast not Mike the beast  ;D).  As for hiking there's a saying in the 12 fleet (and most other fleets I suspect) that goes back fact I understand back in the dim and distant past (Mike assures me) it was even emblazend on a T goes "KEEP IT FLAT" and along with all the tweaking and fiddling that goes on it is ABSOLUTLY IMPERATIVE that you keep the boat flat.  So you hike out matey, and keep hiking and make sure your crew hikes out too!!!! Poo stylee is the best I recon....(my bum is nearly always wet on really windy days......make of that what you will) and I have the most amazing calf muscles...for a girleeeee.  A National 12 sailing on its sides does NOT give for maximum performance whatever direction you're going in.  

[quote Surely too much travel means the mast bends to leeward, closing the slot and making the boat harder to keep upright, unless your'e on a broad reach?[/quote] and your crew hike out like mad to keep the boat upright, we have an ally mast on 3306 and we have enough travel to enable to get the boom out 90 degrees.  AND we have adjustable lowers too.  Why have you taken off the lowers???  sincee we removed the Mast ram and fitted them we've noticed quite a lot of improvement in the boat's performance. Not to mention the jib tacks much better across the foredeck without the mast ram.

Ken....sorry for the slowness in my response, we've been "stocktaking" sails.  I now have a full list along with descriptions and measurements of all the sails we have (we've got more than we thought).  I will mail them to you tonight from home which is where they are. I'm curently at work

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