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Messages - Barry

When I revarnished the deck earlier this year I did find some good info on varnishing (I think it was from a link on the Epiglass(?) site). I'll try and dig it out. I do recall they said rollers rather than brushes - I still used brushes.

Top tip I  do remember was preserving my (expensive for me) brushes in diesel.

I did go around a few of the wooden boat sites but these seem more geared towards painting supertankers than racing dinghies.

Having tried orbit sanders before I will avoid again if at all possible - it did scratch a bit in places. Hot air - but not too hot - cleaned off the old stuff a treat.


General National 12 chat / Re: Cartoon
03 Sep 2006, 10:09
I wonder who is going to  be there with it clashing with the Southport 24 race for the Larks.

North West Norfolk Week.

A week of sailing at different venues in North West Norfolk (Hunstanton, Wells, Blakeney, Brancaster, Kings Lynn, Snettisham etc) almost every day.

N12, Enterprise, Laser and Handicap racing.

Good fun - I'll be there next year.

Hi Kean,

Yep i seem to have bent the existing mast a little bit a couple of ways  - not sure how that has happened but will try straightning out - (any tips anyone?).

I'll give you call this week.

I am in Cornwall (surfing) most of the BW and had planned to pop down on one of the days. I'll have the roof rack (caravan behind - hence no boat!).

Carbon mast will have to wait as my fleet increases by 1 this week (singlehander this time). Then new sails for it and the Baggy (newer probably in its case).

Hi Kean

Would the mast fit your ex-Baggy?

 Given the pursuit results on Monday at Pitsford why not start the ACs before the DBs at selected opens or even an AC only open meeting or 2 to try and get some of those older boats out of the boat park.

General National 12 chat / N12 Trolleys
13 Jun 2006, 03:01
The trolley I have - despite my modifications - is not particularly supportive for my N12.

Kean (the previous owner) did point me at someone - but I haven't heard back from them.

I saw some good ones at Pitsford when we popped over.

Can anyone suggest where I can either get a new cradle to support my N12 or even better a new trolley that would fit my existing combi bottom - probably a bespoke job.


N3364 (hoping to be at the Trent training day)
This post from the Supernova site (big at my club) is interesting for the implications of pumping the top batten across - which is always fun for both my N12 and the Lark in the light stuff.

I'd agree with all of the above. We are new to 12's this year - with no 12 history. We sail on a small pond with a good handicap of 1104 (slower than a Wayfarer).

The N12 is much admired,  great fun and such a rewarding boat to sail - or at least will be when we get it right.

The RS200 is a good boat - even through the kite only comes up properly from one side. On a marginal planing reach the RS200 with kite up will get way - elsewhere it's seems about even.

Watch out for the Ents and Solos though!

Having just got Ratchet there are some super bargains and so much boat can be had for small money.

Well only four out - that is the secong time this week I've called it 3368 - pehaps I ought to consider buying that one instead!

We are having fun with it and the adjusted handicap (1104)  on a small pond is certainly welcome after the impossible one of the Lark (1073). It is tricky to sail though.

Plenty of compliments about how good it looks on the water!

I am still trying to sort sheeting out - I cannot do rear sheeting - I like to keep an eye on what the crew is up to! Skiff style from the boom is OK but we still end up tangled from time to time. So I think  I am going for a centre main mounted on a Vandercratft phantom style bridge somewhere behind the thwart - up to the boom, along and down to the bridle (1-1). This will give me something to pivot around!

Target 1st N12 open is now is Aldeburgh - Harwich (Lark or N12!) clashes with footy - then a bit of NWNW. Still doing the Lark in equal portions.

Hope your new old boat is going well.

N3368 - 4 = N3364
Although I cannot be there with boat that weekend - I am planning to be in Northampton on Saturday - adding to P&Bs coffers. I'll probably be pop over to Pitsford to have a nose over the boats and would be up for any boat set up/tuning tips especially for ACs.

I'm sure there must be plenty like me - might it be worth trying to formalise some slots for this?


(At the Lark Masters last year there were boats on the back of cars at Sedgebrook Hall - no problem - from what I can remember of it!)
Hi Jim

We're girding our loins for a buoyancy test soon in our baggy.

A rather enthusiastic roll gybe at the weekend scooping up half the lake gave us a taste of what is to come! No wind to get us going so it was bail bail bail - which took a while.

Have you gone for the 48x14 bags? We've two 36x12(150lb) bags at the back and I was thinking of adding another small one across the back as has been said here before.

By the way does anyone know if it is possible to repair the baffle on one of these bags to stop all the puff coming out before I get the stopper in?

Is that just a normal pulley off the boom or an auto ratchet?

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