National 12

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Messages - angus

I am looking for a crew for Burton. I will either be sailing a vintage boat or an AC so it will be more like a pleasure cruise than serious racing!
Sadly I won't be able to make it.

Excellent Tim see you there. Think it is going to be quite a select few!
Is anybody coming? Don't be shy, this has always been a good event in the past and you don't have to go through a flooded field to get to the club house. And don't forget if you want a chance of the Lairdwell or Border trophy you have to do this event.
Well George 'The Brick' Finch at least I can spot a slipway in broad daylight!

Just checking to see if anybody actually reads it....yes April!

The first Scottish event of the season is at Annandale on the 21st and 22nd April. This is the first time we have been there for a few years so it would be good to get a good turn out. If anybody is needing crews the club may be able to find some but apparently they are not as numerous as in previous years so get in quick.
It would also be good to get a rough idea of numbers.
I have been retro fitting a Pipedream with a ply double floor. Not sure if I can help but I can at least tell you some of the mistakes I have made if you are interested. If you are a member of the association you will find my number in the book under angus beyts. if not you can email me on angus number three at Tesco dot net.
Hi Paul I am coming down Saturday anyway would it be Ok to come to magic lantern show and camp at the club?

I have sailed both enterprises and 12s.
The great thing about sailing is that people get a great deal of different things out of sailing. I myself can't see any reason to sail an Enterprise rather then a 12, but then when you see the numbers of lasers sailed perhaps my views do not reflect the majority!


That's if I can get there! ???

Are you camping Graham and mistress Zoe and if so where is the list. Sorry that should read where, where is the list?? Oar something like that!

I prefer the poled  tied to the clue of the jib, simpler system with less moving parts. I don't think there is any disadvantage up wind and the pole doesn't flap about as much. But I am not the fastest cookie in the jar! I have never met a system with two down hauls normally there is a single one to round about the mast at deck level, but don't see any reason why it shouldn't work.

General National 12 chat / what plans
09 Feb 2018, 09:41

I was half way through cooking breakfast with my day all planned out when there was a dull thud or a cu chunck and there lying on the door mat was a buff envelope.......could be this it really...yes it was, after a couple of months of keeping my right foot above my right hip with nothing better to do than watch begin hunt (Well to be honest in January in mid Scotland !), now I was finally mobile again Ed's latest creation had landed on my door mat (Trendy or not we still have one....a door mat I mean.) Well breakfast burnt. coffee boiled dry.......or was it the other way about. Anyway all plans went out the window as I tucked into Ed's marvellous medicine for a broken leg a least it would have been if it had arrived a month or so earlier, but as I so often say at the start line and slightly less frequently at the finish line better late than never.
Anyway Ed thanks for another brilliant job. Pity you had to give so much space to that idiot who thinks spelling is a kind of flour and grammar is where the posh boys go to school, but your comments where great I had forgotten all about the wine and the iPod...
That's a pity enthusiasm is more important than experience.