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Messages - paul turner

Yo Smilie. Gutted that I can't be there this year; still not fit enough to drive that far and back let alone sail. Hope that you get a decent entry coz you have a fab pond. Back next year Px  :'(
Thank you to all who came along and supported the event whether sailing, organising, helping or just gongoozerling. Nine clinker boats out on the Saturday and 10 all-comers on the Sunday. Think it all went well even if there was not a lot of wind. There will be a full report very soon. To make certain that everyone who has a vintage N12 keeps the dates clear in their diaries we will get the dates out very much sooner - no excuses! Px  8)
PS N2524 Ethelred (a China Doll what my Dad bought for me in 1970 is now officially up for sale - I've got the original China Doll) :'(
Greetings! We seem to have eight confirmed entries with one more possible. We really would like to get to double figures and there are still one or two Turner Collection vintage yots awaiting helms. Both Starfish and Smuggler were extracted from storage yesterday with the help of John Sears and are resting on trailers ready to sail! RSVP! Px  :-*
Just been asked cost of entry fees at VinChamps. Saturday £10, Sunday £15. Camping free. Bargain! Px :)
This has just gone out to all TVSC members:

National 12 Vintage Championships

The National 12 Vintage (i.e. wooden clinker boats) Championships are being held at Trent Valley for the first time on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th May 2019.

The format will be as follows:

Saturday - there will be three races (briefing at 12:30 and first race at 13:00) and the scoring by "Derwent Handicap". The first race is scratch and the times are taken to work out a handicap system for the second and third races, which will be pursuit races. The slowest boat in the first race will start first in the second and third and the fastest goes off last. The aim is to have each race running for an hour and if the handicapping goes to plan all the boats will finish the last two races at the same time!

Roger Briton is the race officer assisted by Paul Turner, and Megan Derrick; Christine Preston will also help with "meet 'n greet". The rescue boat will be on the water for the RYA training (hence the later start time for the racing) and any volunteers to assist launching, flags etc (or even just to watch!) will be more than welcome.

On Saturday night there will be a Club Social Night being Skittles and a buffet - more info later.

Sunday - this will also be a Midland Area Open Meeting with all the boats, vintage and modern starting together. There will be prizes for both the Open Meeting and the Vintage boats.

First race will be at 11:00 with the second before lunch and the third immediately afterwards.
Greetings! 24 days to go and we already have some entries! Dave Peacock, John Sears, Brian Herring and Graham Camm have indicated that they are coming along, as too have Gerald Copsey (to sail Mr Jones) and James Dalby (TVSC Laser star!) in Shotgun. And Angus Beyts is travelling all the way from darkest Scotland to join us. We would like to get to double figures and don't forget that the Sunday is also a Midland Area Open for all boats. I still have a few clinker yots awaiting (competent!) helms and if you would like to sail one of the Turner Collection please let me know asap - just awaiting Patrick Hamilton's reply about N2524. Starfish and Smuggler are still in the barn. Sadly I won't be sailing; not yet recovered enough (but hope to be ok for NWNW!). Px  8)
Love the new look - but where are the photos of the vintage/AC boats? Px >:(
And how could I have forgotten N2359 Shotgun, the first transom of which is the Vintage Trophy! Also available to lend.

It was sad to see that due to all sorts of unfortunate reasons there were no vintage boats at the Burton this year. If we are looking to promote the event and also vintage12s, I am prepared to lend out any of the following boats in my collection, usual T&Cs! Currently the collection of original first of design is:

N1650 Smuggler
N2020 Starfish (awaiting new kicker)
N2399 Mr Jones (currently having decks re-glued)
N2403 China Doll (which I will sail if I have clearance/originally first launched at Pevensey?)
N2492 Whisper (awaiting re-rigging)
N2524 Ethelred (China Doll for sale)
N2750 Cheshire Cat (AC)

Book early. Paul  8)
Yo Grazz. Having 9 (nine) N12s in my barn is causing a bit of storage/domestic issue so I do need to look at selling N2524 "Ethelred" the Wyche & Coppock China Doll like wot my Dad bought me new in 1970. Sailed at NWNW last year, still in original black paint job I applied, with combi, one suit of sails, no cover but really not certain what it's worth. And must go to a caring home, Guidance please guys (on price...!) Paul
Greetings. Please don't think that because Christine is available to crew this year we have fallen out - we haven't! It's just that because of work and other commitments I am gonna have to miss NWNW for the first time in 300 years! Hope y'all have a great time; you're gonna miss me! Px  8)

Christine is crewing Cpt Carbon both days and Kay and I are doing the Sunday. I'll email the other ladies and TVSC  to see if anyone is free if you can let me know which days.

Also, no requests yet for loan of vintage boats? Please let me know soonest. Gerald, please confirm re "Mr Jones". N2487 is also on trailer ready to sail.

Paul  8) N1650, N2020, N2359, N2399, N2403, N2487, N2492 (not yet ready to re-launch!)
Yo DP. I will be there but only on the Sunday as our new band "The Cherrys" has a major outdoor gig booked on the Saturday. I will be taking "China Doll" with Kay crewing. I believe that Christine to be crewing for Brian (Cpt Carbon) Kitching. I hope that Gerald is sailing "Mr "Jones" again - just needs a new tyre on the road trailer. "Shotgun" is on a trailer and ready to hook up but "Smuggler" and "Starfish" are tucked away so if anyone wants to sail either please let me know asap. Paul  8)
Greetings. A few more replies, so we are up to seven! And, courtesy of a diary clash, Christine is offering her crewing services (as long as it's NOT in a DB!) Px  8)
Yo Peeps. Only a very select bunch booked in so far - four of us! Camm, Sears, Kinders and me! Come on you guys - who else is coming out to play? Px
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