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Messages - greight expectations


does this mean if i am patient i can join in with my D8?

[quote by=angus link=Blah.cgi?b=Cool1,m=1178611316,s=37 date=1179092796]Get out on the water and have some fun too many people are making excuses in stead of sailing, Yhe article I wrote about the Scottish championships was writen to shoe people you coulb be crap and still have fun. for what its worth we have stepped up from a China Doll to a crusader (Ithink you all know that by now) and are going slower than ever if I got a debee the mirrors would be passing me!!!! Por Rohan I think hes looking for a new helm.

But you still keep coming Angus and Rohan,  keep it up! In particular as you say its getting out and practising n improving that matters. May get down to watch(!!?) over the weekend so don'y go home early.


PS has somebody spilt hot chocolate over your key board too?
What a pair! ;) ;)

You Two I mean!!  :D

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