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Messages - OMSC

I guess I am an honorary "yoof" as I am in the OMSC scene and part of the revitalisation of the 12s there.
as an official adult, the 12 is seen as a more sexy boat than the enterprise, suited to the weight of a couple of teenagers and, on restricted waters, can provide the adrenaline rush needed for the youger generation to get the thrills and spills they need to keep them going.
and, on the AC Scene, they are cheap.
maybe in conjunction with the ideas that are floating for an AC guest slot in the midlands, we can encourage a youth AC trophy, to get the youngsters in fleets to borrow a boat, realise just how on the edge sailing a 12 is, and that it is a genuine alternative to all the plastic fantastics that require a bright coloured piece of A sym material to get them going. and about 3 grand to even dream of getting on the water.
I know it will make a lot of parents happy when they look at shelling out for a boat when they say "well the baggy is only £700" rather than the "RS is only £3000" 
I will be in attendance as well, most likely in Gordon.  Will be accompanying Foxi and Le Shed at the back of the fleet.
there is a slight chance I might be bringing Token Gesture instead dependant on if I can get the varnishing done.
Boats / Re: N3171 Token Gesture
06 Oct 2008, 11:24
Just bought token gesture, rescuing it from a dead boat park where it would not have survived another winter.
the only thing missing is large chunks of the cover and a lot of varnish gone, presently stripping down the rest to see whether rot has set in.
Very different looking boat from the cheshire I normally sail, as it has no foredeack,  a space frame, hatchet centreboard and about 4 times the amount of strings to pull.  not to mention the scary amount of holes drilled all over the ribs for weight saving!
I am hoping to have it on the water within a month.
Boats / Re: N2947 Gordon
04 Sep 2008, 10:47
a work in progress, Gordon now has working controls, and a Rose/Troth designed and angell built carbon dangly pole on order. (better defined as "oi, roger, got any carbon, we need jib poles.... sure, buy us a beer and lets have a look"...)
If anyone has a proctor C mast they dont need though, as the needlespar is a bit whippy. I was thinking of doubling its strength by adding a knitting needle to it....
Debating a redeck over the winter having been inspired by the routing and the inlaying elsewhere on the site, bringing the boat back to being the creature of beauty a cheshire should be.
If I can get him sorted and going like he should, then in 2009, there will be a cheshire cat smile coming to an open meeting near you!
as a recent returnee to the 12s, and never managed to sail my old one empty (on the basis of not capsizing it, and if it did fill, it sank) I have taken notes and will be endeavouring to put into practice the emptying technique in the future. the normal method is head to a pontoon as fast as possible, haul the boat up, empty, get back in, resume....

I sail a modern ent and have refused buckets and bilge pumps from rescue crews as it is easier to sail the thing dry through the flaps than expend any energy bailing. thinking about it.... it is easier to sail it dry than attempt to pull it up a ramp!!  I never attach the bungee for the flaps as the water holds them flat if it is outside, and forces them open if it is inside.

looking at the forecast for saturday, I might well be attempting it then.....
More details for you:
Location is B92 7AN
club website
the club will be open from 9.00 in the morning for those who want to be early, 3 race 2 to count, 11.00 first gun, aiming to be finished in good time for those travelling.
the club's philosophy is for fun sailing that is as inclusive as possible, so as long as you are insured and willing, you are more than welcome. as long as we know beforehand we can accomodate a couple of crews in the cottage on the friday evening, although it would be good if you could arrive before we inbibe too much of the cheese and wine!
Boats / Re: N2947 Gordon
28 Aug 2008, 10:52
Gordon now resides at Olton Mere Sailing Club, after a time at Rutland.
the decks are blowing, the control lines are non existant, the name is about as out there as you are going to get, but he is dry, sails like a dream, and upwind, shows a clean pair of heels to any laser that happens to venture near.
I saw gordon in rutland's boat mark when up there in June, and then he came for sale on ebay.  there was no question that he was the boat for me. I didnt expect competetiveness for the pennies that past between us, but I have been surprised on just how quick this boat can sail. feels beautifuly balanced, as tippy as tippy can be, but when level, oh so quick.  had him out in a blow with a novice in the front and he just hopped on the plane with no issues. My first venture into 12s in 15 years, and a pleasure.
On Saturday September 6th, Olton Mere have our open meeting. We are a small club but with a healthy fleet of ACs racing every week. the regulars out on a sunday, and by regular I mean 2 in 3, are moolshallow, foxy, Gordon and le Shed.
We have a cheese and wine the night before, and a pig roast on the night, with floor space on club premesis in the attached cottage for anyone who wants to attend either event.
the club is just south of Birmingham, and it would be a pleasure to welcome any visitors.
Boats / Re: N2653 Chispa
28 Jul 2007, 07:52
Chispa is no more.

In the late 80s, early 90s I quired chispa from a member at earlswood lakes, and me and my father gave her a new lease of life for at least a few years.

We took the chocolate brown hull and rotting decks and turned her into a homage to a whispa bar, with cadburys purple hull and a shining white deck, with the gold livery to match.  

Unfortunately she sailed about as well as a chocolate bar.

We sold her on to a club member who was willing to re-deck her. He found that the hull was as bad as the deck so we refunded the funds and the rigging was sold and the proceeds used for the advancement of the sailing club.

But at least she looked good in her old age.
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