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Messages - tonyelgar

i ve just replaced my slot gasket and used contact glue, tapering the fore and aft ends of the gasket to reduce the risk of it peeling. it isn't overlapped but it is one peice with the centre trimmed along so it meets flush. I have yet to roll the boat back but will probably do the parcel tape thing, is it trimmed to look neat or do you use the whole width of the tape? It is rather large and my boat does still have a keel so wouldn't be as neat a job. Could i use electrical tape or duck tape as it is easier to trim?
Also worth noting is that my contact adheisive suggested not to apply any pressure or force for 24 (or was it 12?) hours, so maybe times when the glue alone has failed this may not have been followed?
My last gasket replacement was on grimalkin and that was put on with rails screwed back on, so this looks neater but is a bit of an experiment for me.
Boats / Re: N3255 Sorry Lads No Jeans
30 Mar 2009, 05:17
hull ready for flipping over...
thats great news, do we know the cost implications yet? or is that still under discussion?
That would be cool, alternatively they have a load cell at work, could i do ithe weighing and photo the results? or is that disallowed?!
Thanks Antony,
Salcombe isnt too far, plus I,d like to do one event down there this year, and Berkshire is on the way to my folks house so there seem to be plenty of options. The sails are some 05/06 ones off Babel Fish, although the main has no measurer's signature on it (??). I shall check the boats measurements as best i can to make sure shes up to standard, then as you suggest try and sort it as things progress. I don't suppose any measurers will be at the spinnaker training will there?
Boats / Re: N3255 Sorry Lads No Jeans
25 Mar 2009, 09:34
Updated Picture of the inside, outside to follow when its finished!
I.m Getting towards the end of my (much more extensive than planned!) refit to 3255- a newer set of sails, the centreboard re profiled and paint/cosmetics to the hull, so do I need to completely remeasure since all the weights and sail dimensions are different? If so who is willing and nearest to Weymouth?!!? 

Cheers for the input!

We use scafolding at work, with some drain pipe around the supporting sections the boats slide off easier as well, and also works well for picos as long as they are in regular use otherwise you have to watch for the boats weight putting bumps in where you dont want them! Seen heavy duty shelving used - was excellent recycling but not very steady! Castle Cove SC use a similar racking with scaffolding i believe for there laser fleet. Benefit is scaffolding can take into acount un even ground or even slopes so makes use of spaces previously not considered suitable for dinghy storage.
N3255 (Nearly ready and looking sharp fot the season!)
Boats / Re: N2439 Eleventh Hour
16 Dec 2008, 03:21
I First came across this boat at Attenborough SC in Nottinghamshire in 2002/2003, and I bought her to club race in (my first 12). Unfortunately I took a job in Weymouth and although i brought her down with me I didn't dedicate enough time to her. She went to a boat builder friend of mine who lived in essex in 2005(?) and he brought her back up to scratch. He now lives in North Wales but still owns the boat which is in a boat yard near his folks home. I think she will be moving up to join him soon though! nice looking little boat, he painted her yellow which is how i first remember her, when i had her she was a racing green whcih was a bit dark...
jeremy, glad u saved her from a grim fate (i don't think you could have classified for vintage even after such a 'modification'!!) i look forward to the pictures with interest. Sounds like the vintages are going to have a serious bit of fleet racing, if all else fails with the baggy I could always borrow back a vintage i once owned which is still I believe residing in essex somewhere (N2439) although my friend who now owns her is living in anglessey!!
2760 is a four plank, not a vintage - which are clinker. Four planks come under admirals cup, although there were some 4 plank specific opens last year i believe. Im planning on getting my baggy down there, so im sure you won't be a lone soul, only I happen to have taken it to bits again, found some alarming problems that need some sorting so its a tart up and paint job along the way too... 
I'm in the same boat, if u ll forgive the pun! If there are a few of us tho and we can only camp a bit further out we could organise shared transport i guess...
I hadn't heard but would be excellent if it is the case...
Is anyone else looking into camping for burton wk? It seems there isn't alot of scope for doing this nearby and i wondered if anyone had more success looking than me!
alot of the varnish is standard epifanes varnish, however under the painted non-slip sections there is some keyed in (and rock hard) epoxy based product put there by the owner before me, and it was a bit of a pig to remove and looked awful - hence the non slip. The foredeck and side deacks are again epifanes - a brand i would recommend for both varnishes and paints! The CB casing i didnt do too much to whilst i had her so it will probably need some TLC too :(
hope this helps