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General National 12 chat / Re: n2186
28 May 2012, 01:44
As old as it is, it will still be lively.  Age does not make a racing boat into a cruiser.  It just makes it into an old racing boat.
However, all that means is that although she might take a little longer to master when the wind gets up, you should not get bored of her so quickly.  And she should still be able to drift along nicely, when all the other old buckets are becalmed.
Sparkle - 2383
I have holes drilled in the side decks for rollocks and a pad fitted on the transom for a small outboard.  Oh, the shame of it!  Thankfully Tim Gatti saved her from any further embarassment, before passing her on to me.
And I am in the process of removing such things.
They are normally held shut using elastic cord from inside the boat.  If the boat is sailed correctly trimmed they should not let water in.  The cord should be able to be released when needed.
They come into play, when trying to get shot of a lot of water inside the boat, post capsize or near capsize - when the self bailers are not enough and you need to rid yourself of a lot of water quickly
I would suggest getting some plastic sheet and cutting out some new ones, using the old ones as templates to re-instate them properly with the hinges.  I, personally, have never seen them for sale.
My classic Starfish (2383) does not have any - but I wished it did after a capsize this weekend.   I also wish I had checked the access hatch on my forward tank - as it floated passed me!  I also wished my forward tank had drain plugs in it.  Doh!
I am considering fitting some.
Hey ho!
Steve H
Boats / Re: N2383 Sparkle
17 Apr 2012, 07:59
Sparkle - rigged and ready to sail South Cerney SC
Boats / Re: N2383 Sparkle
16 Apr 2012, 08:47
I now have the honour of looking after Sparkle. 
Looking forward to getting to know here with my daughter Kathryn - who has also assumed half ownership!
Have not figured out how to add a picture yet though.

Boats / Re: N2107 Pendle Witch
20 Mar 2012, 07:58
<div class="postbody">A chance conversation with my local chandlery owner has found Pendle Witch a new home where she much more likely to to be recovered to her former glory.

She now resides in the shed of "P and I Boats" at Chippenham. Where she can fully dry out and be restored at her new owner's leisure.

Whilst I would have been happy to do a redeck in the summer and some painting and varnishing, the regluing of all the bottom planks whilst maintaining her shape would have been asking a bit much considering that it would have been done in the garden.
<div class="postbody">
I feel much happier having passed her on to someone with the 'where with all' to rebuild her.

Boats / Re: N2107 Pendle Witch
12 Mar 2012, 09:34
Forgot the pictures
Boats / Re: N2107 Pendle Witch
12 Mar 2012, 09:30
I picked this boat up from Frensham Pond on the weeknd, after it was advertised for 'free' on the CVRDA website.  However, when I picked her up it was obvious when we put her on the trailor that the glue has gone on her - she sort of sagged a bit - the joints on the bottom 3 planks has failed in the crew area.  The deck and gunnel was removed by hand with a hand chisel for leverage - the glue had failed there also.
I hope to recover her.  But she will have to wait a bit whilst I pluck up the courage!  And she needs to dry a bit more.  There is no rot in any of the hull planking.
They can be sourced from Amazon.  I have just bought a copy of each.  Each for the price of a couple of beers.
Thanks for drawing them to my attention.
I recently purchased When Dinghies Delight and 'Sailing on Small Waters'. 
Swindon, SN3 6AT.
I have a National 12 with a deck stepped wooden mast in Swindon, Wiltshire. 
However it is a 1948 Holt 500 series which is a lot older and is currently tucked away somewhere dry.
I also have a 1959 Merlin Rocket with one of the first Proctor masts - diamonds and all that might also give you some clues.
I also have some spare fixed spoon rudders and old sails that might be deemed serviceable enough in the short term.
Steve H
The CVRDA site might have some advice on this.  It would be worth taking a look.
Some of them sail with Cotton sails on occasion.
Next year I intend to continue to teach my 10 year old daughter how to sail in my vintage Holt 500 series N12.
My 16 year old son can continue to crew for me in my Classic Proctor Mk VIII Merlin Rocket - until he is strong enough and heavy enough for the helm - bit of a gangly stick insect....He is hoping to secure a British Moth this winter after 8 years in Cadets.
Thanks Jonathan.
I think my current arrangement is similar to yours especially with the use of the tube cleats.  I have two issues:
1.  The tube cleats will not release the rope unless you somehow remove the weight of the board from that rope - hence the acrobatics with the knee/foot to push the plate forwards.  So I am going to do without them.  I have a set of wooden cleats mounted in the same way as number 500 - Flip McGilda (see pic) mounted on the rear of the for decking - inside the cockpit.  In the short term will put a couple of knots in the rope on each side representing up, half and down.
2.  I feel that a 2:1 purchase would be helpful because of the weight of the plate.  If I were to replace the blocks either side of the kingpost with double blocks and put the old single blocks underneath the cleats that I am going to bring back into use, I can achieve a 2:1 advantage....... and it will have the same rope run as it will have now.
I have also found a worn out jammer under the thwart that might have been used for an alternative arrangement but I do not see any other evidence of a cascade system.
No takers?
I would really like to see a picture of the inside of the cockpit of a similarly aged National 12 : (
Tring to add a picture form the modified 500 series design reference material that shows Planet
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