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Messages - Chadders

Hi Stu
The official PY is the same for all 12's however the association has some recomended PY numbers based on sail number (and hence age). 
The PY number currently for numbers 2512 to to 3140 (age range 1970-1980 is 1130.  It is down to your club as to whether they let you use that number though so you need to talk to your sailing secretary/committee.  At my club they do use these numbers but our sailing sec is an N12 sailor, some clubs have agreed to a number for double bottom boats and one for non DB and others have just said no they will only use the official PY for National 12's which is 1093 (unless it changed without my noticing).  Good luck with your negotiations.
The info is on page 9 of the 2008 handbook which you will get with your joining pack if you havent already got it.
Howard C
Triada, N2266 will be sailing on the Sunday, gotta beat that Herring bloke in an event that counts, he is going far too fast in his China Doll this year! 
Howard C aka Chadders N2, N2266, N3356 and N???? maybe as well! ;D
Hi Stu
Welcome to N12 sailing a move you will not regret I am sure.  Loads of info and tuning advice on the website and plenty of events in the North and around the country for you to go to so hope to see you on the circuit before too long as there is still plenty of time to qualify for the Norther Series and we are friendly bunch even those of us from Yorkshire.  You will find the answer to just about any question on this discussion page and even answers to questions you didnt ask so welcome again and enjoy your 12 sailing.
Howard C a.k.a. Chadders
Yes Roger the usual angel as you put it, I will talk to you about the Kappa perhaps on Saturday?
Good point the youth element Phil but have you read the Hykeham information?  The junior championships is at 16.00hrs on the Saturday.  I agree 100% with your comments and look forward to seeing you at Scaling on Saturday and Hykeham for a day?
Howard C aka Chadders Nvarious
Brian and Ros are coming on the Sunday only due to a Comet event on Saturday, apparently they are perfecting the sailing on the edge technique as used at Windermere recently!
Wow what a great event!  9 boats, some close racing force 1-4 winds sometimes within minutes, and great courses to sail on despite the somewhat shifty wind.  Well done and thanks to South Windermere S.C. to Mark Fearnley for setting it up for us and well done to Bernard Clark on his convincing if hard fought victory. 
Howard C
N2266 on this occasion.;D but next week watch out for Squidgy at Scaling Dam.
Hi Roger
We will be at Scaling with Squidgy Bits so you wont be the only D8 playing out.  Hoping my mast will stay in one piece this year though!
H aka Chadders
To confirm
Mark Fearnley of the home club said 3 races back to back of circa 50 minutes each.  Looks like I should take Triada if its 5mph then I have a shelf for my sarnies to sit on!
Howard C
see ya at Windermere.
Looking like 6 or 7 boats currently anyone else coming out to play?  Great tune up for Scaling the week after and then Hykeham after that and then the Naburn Paddle and thats just in the Northern Bit!
I heard all about it from 3 different people and its only Tuesday!  Everyone managed to make me feel even sadder to have missed it so thanks chaps I will try harder to make it next year honest.
The thing that modest Bern forgot to say was that he won!!  Gongratulations on retaining your title of Scottish Champion Bernard, I look forward to reading the full report on the event in due course.
Howard C aka Chadders
N2, N2266 and N3356
[face=Calibri]Further up Tim you said you could not understand why I quoted Frampton as an argument for one day events.  Simple!!  It meant I could go, sail one day and qualify, had I needed to sail both days to qualify then I would not have been able to go at all!  [/face]
[face=Calibri]You are supporting the large open waters which have a big part to play no doubt but personally I don’t especially like the lumpy stuff and prefer the smaller waters that the 12 is also ideal for.  The problem with rotating venues is likely to be getting back in after missing a year and Bernard is quite right in that in the North at least, getting two days is a problem at the clubs.  Saturdays are becoming easier than Sundays because it doesn’t disrupt the club sailing, and most of our two day events are now one day and work well.  [/face]
I agree that we could perhaps reduce the overall number of events but let’s not try and squeeze out all the inland and river venues.  I note your concern that the average age of 12 helms may be 40-50 at TVSC, I now have my bus pass and am delighted to still be sailing 12’s albeit rather slowly.  Perhaps Paul Turner should work out the actual average age of TVSC or for that matter Northern Circuit sailors, I think you may be surprised how ancient some of us are!  On the plus side I can use my fuel allowance to pay for fuel to go to open meetings and this year if I make all the open days I have planned to attend (including some 2 day events) it totals 21 days, I am not currently planning to do Burton Week and I won’t qualify for the Gill Series but I will qualify in the Northern and Vintage circuits so I am happy that I am doing my bit and enjoying it.  Environmentally having a good, mixed venue open series in my local area means I can compete against some good people, sail on a range of waters fairly regularly without having to travel long distances and sail on my local puddle at Yeadon in between.  I look forward to seeing you all at Hykeham and seeing how this thread develops as it has certainly captured a few opinions which must be a good thing.
By all means tweak and improve the programme after all we are a development class but from my perspective it aint broke so don’t try to do a major fix.
Howard C N2, N2266 and N3356
An interesting thought and no doubt valid to a point.  My initial issue is with dropping/reducing one day open meetings.  Two days are not always practical.  My crew can get away for a days sailing but her family would not be happy for her to go off all weekend I am sure, the same applies to those of us who sail with other peoples kids etc.  I have dropped out of a 2 day event this weekend for this very reason as I can only make 1 day and feel it is unfair to risk cocking up the results of someone who is sailing both days and hence can qualify where I can not.  If the one day open meetings dissapear then my sailing will be mainly at our club.  Having said that I am not against a reduction in events based on the level of support. 
Interestingly Frampton had 5 vintage boats out last weekend despite loosing one which was not finished in time and one due to injury!  The following day they had a South West meeting and the entries were one vintage boat from the North who stayed over (Brian Herring) and Brian Kitching's two boats cos he lent one to another Frampton member.  My guess is that Frampton will not be keen to run another SW meeting but will run a 1 day vintage meeting.  Howard C      N2, N2266 and N3356 in support of one day opens.
[face=Calibri]Just a reminder that we have a Northern Area Open Meeting at South Windermere on Saturday 17th May.[/face]
[face=Calibri]The club has the benefit of some of the best scenery in the country and some challenging winds to keep the racing interesting.  Details of the club can be found on the web site which is:- [/face]
[face=Calibri]The first race is scheduled for 12pm to give time for travelling, rigging and sailing out to the race area. (which can  take circa 20 minutes)  Three races will be sailed back to back with each one in the region of 50+  minutes and the best two will count for the overall result.[/face]
[face=Calibri]This is the first time in many years that we have been to South Windermere and we are hoping for a good turnout.  If you are coming along it would be very helpful if you could either email me or put a comment below so that the club know how many of us to expect.[/face]
[face=Calibri]Look forward to seeing you at South Windermere and good luck to all those heading for Annandale this weekend.[/face]
[face=Calibri]Howard C[/face]
N2, N2266 and N3356  (
Great vintage event on Saturday and thanks to Frampton and especially Brian Kitching for making us so welcome.  Unfortunately we lost one entry due to dodgy knees (Paul) and one that wasnt quite finished (Tim) in time but the 5 boats that made it had some excellent and very close racing with a nice force 3 breeze and warm sunshine!  Well done to Brian Herring on his win and watch out for the full report shortly. 
Thanks again to Frampton, Brian (and his family who were also pressed into service) for looking after us and sorry we couldnt stay on for the Sunday event.
Howard Chadwick aka Chadders N2, N2266 and N3356
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