National 12

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Messages - THG

Seems this thread has now run out of steam - I'll try to put together some sort of summary / view for the next newsletter.  nathan - I'lll leave out a yoof view.  Also I don't feel we covered much of the Vintage side of the fleet or the pure 'cruisers'.

Yes - its me again - re-cecked my certificate, baot shows as 73.5kg plus cb at 5kg, with 2kg of correctors (1kg each) - total = 80.5kg.  John Murell removed the correctors when sorting out boat etc and they're not with the boat.

Assuming the boat has not loats any significant weight in last 15 years since being measured last and the weight limit is now 78kg am I right in assuming the boat will need to be re-weighed but if its underweight now there would be no charge for a change to the certificate?  I've not had an opportunity to sort out a re-weigh before now and to be honest just forgeot about it soon after purchasing the boat.

I'm sure the boat is probably over the weight now (I know I'm not at optimal sailing weight too  :()

Travel permitting hope to be there for official weighing times.

Yes - its me again - re-cecked my certificate, baot shows as 73.5kg plus cb at 5kg, with 2kg of correctors (1kg each) - total = 80.5kg.  John Murell removed the correctors when sorting out boat etc and they're not with the boat.

Assuming the boat has not loats any significant weight in last 15 years since being measured last and the weight limit is now 78kg am I right in assuming the boat will need to be re-weighed but if its underweight now there would be no charge for a change to the certificate?  I've not had an opportunity to sort out a re-weigh before now and to be honest just forgeot about it soon after purchasing the boat.

I'm sure the boat is probably over the weight now (I know I'm not at optimal sailing weight too  :()

Travel permitting hope to be there for official weighing times.

Thanks for the advice - thats why I posted here - looks like it will go 'soonish' and like anything it will always break at the most critical time (sods law and all that).  Will change the main halyard before I go - can do that job whilst its still threaded up!

My current jib halyard tail is wearing rather thin - have some new Excel V12 6mm - does anyone have the time skill to splice this onto the jib wire for me - at least a pint or two in it??



I understand the mast should be 'fixed' into position by some sort of pin at the heel - is this right?  If so what size / fixing is the best option - thinking about a simple s/s bolt (m5) with a wing nut on - would this be OK - any idea on length??

My neighbour has recently bought a 2nd property at Pembroke docks so hoping to borrow that sometime and do a bit of sailing around that area - so if I ever get that organised will let you know.

There will always be some folks in the outer extremeties so saying at least one Gill event is an hour or so away is not true for some people.

TVSC is an interesting place to sail and an enjoyable location for camping / facilities - as they say on eBAY - recommended!

Mack - which Club will you be sailing at?

I don't see how anyone got the idea we are ignoring a lonely n12 in Wales (shades of little Britain) - I doubt very much you would be the only one.  This illustrates one of my key points we don't know where everyone sails and somehow we need to be able to reach out and have some more local events - if you're located down South of Wales the SW series may be better esp. if we can get a few more 'northern' locations.  Maybe if we get the call out maybe enough Welsh based 12s may emerge for some fun?

In the handbook we could add which Club as well as address / boat number(s).


Brilliant idea Jane - any volunteers?
I checked my mast - it is white (carbon) and has a top band in tape - plus  alower black one at the gooseneck.  Weight is on the mast but as far as I can tell nothing else.

In the note the measurement needs to be scribbbed - what measurement / how best to add the measurement?  

Not sure on garavity centre too...


BW Virgin
Have a SuperSpars mast & Boom that came as spares with my Crusader but I don't think they've been used much and just taking up space at home.

Anyone want to buy?  Maybe those at Norfolk week need to look up and check their masts  :-/ !
