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Messages - Jimbo41


there's also a large "tackle bag" near the mast for the aspirins and two "gardena clips" for the crutches....But have you got space for the oxygen bottle?  :P ;) :P ;) :P ;)

All the best,

Jim N3130

I'll second that..... :-/ :-/

Hope things get better for you healthwise and that you still have fun on the water - like a bull in a China (Doll) shop  ;) ;) ;) ;)

All the very best,

Jim N3130 (Nutty Shell)

Sorry Mack! Forgot to welcome you to the Class  :o :o

Any time you want to come over to Munich, please feel free!!!!  8) 8) 8)

Jim N3130 Nutty Shell,  a Tigress

P.S. Paraphraseing DavidW, wots yors?
- a real tippy, temperamental beasty! (not like the staid, solid FD with its flat steady sailing characteristics, but also exciting trapeeeeeeeze  ;D ;D ;D)

Jim N3130 (Nuttyshell)
Thanks a lot for the positive feedback! :D :D :D
I'm also quite new to the 12s but I decided to buy one because I enjoy what they and the association stands for - fun sailing for all ages and at all levels. That's what we are trying to push - I hope.

Myself with 14 st. and my wife as crew with 11 still have a great amount of fun on the water. I'm waiting for my 9 year old daughter to stop screaming even with a small amount of heel in a blow and then I can enjoy being at a more competitve weight level. However, like DavidW I just simply  adore this class of boat. I could not imagine not having a 12. Even though I regularly crew a Flying Dutchman at regional regatta level - and we are getting good now - I just love the 12 for her responsive and indiosyncratic manner -
Hi Dan!

Welcome back to the fleet.
See you at Salcombe perhaps.

I'll just be looking on in between bouts of 'fitting out fever' - if we buy the boat that is!  ;) ;) ;)


Jim N3130 (and soon N3313?)
Thanks for the advice Anthony!

Actually I'm just trailing her in Britain. She's coming down from Boston Spa to be refitted in Kingsbridge - she's just been varnished inside, so she's a kit of parts. It's Brian Miatt's boat N3313 (Nutmeg of Contentment). I'm going up to view her during the time. It'll be nice to have two Bob Hoare boats on the Ammersee.

Jim N3130 (Nuttyshell)
Oh! I forgot to say it would be for Great Britain!  I would collect and return....

Jim N3130
Hi Yorks!

Yes this is correct. You can change probably also change the fore-aft position of the mast with these chocks. If you want to fine tune however, you might be better off fitting a mast strut or a ram. There is a wealth of information on tuning the 12 in the Tuning Guide which is on the website to download. This info has helped me tremendously, particularly since in Germany no one is acquainted with the 12..

Good luck with your new yot!

Jim N3130
Looks a bit like the "before and after photos" of the needlespar mast peeling like a banana in one of the pages of the Handbook. Can't remember the name of the boat, but apparently the next door boat was showered with rivets "ping, ping, ping..." :o :o

I hope everyone is ok. now...... :B :B :B

Freak wirlwinds like these are "common" on the North Sea and sometimes inland in places like Lincolnshire. As a baby I was lifted about 50 yards in our backyard in Spilsby Lincs. and deposited "gently" over the garden fence, still inside my carry cot and in the mini, which my mum had just vacated..... And before you lot all start saying that explains it all...... :P :P :P :P

Jim N3130 safe in Munich  8) 8) 8) 8)

You should try waiting for the thermals on the Ammersee at this time of year....

Sometimes they can blow quite strongly (3-5 Bft) but you've got to catch them when they're there....

See you at the Burton, but we're only spectators this year - unless someone needs a crew member for a day???? 8) 8) 8) 8)


Jim N3130

Kingsbridge Fleshpots?!?!?!

The butchers up the high street doesn't stay open that late....  :P

Tally Ho! (Insider pun)

Jim N3130

P.S. Anyone need a crew member? I wouldn't mind.....
Yeah Angus!

Tell Tim about your brass cannons and crows nest.....
Shall be down in Salcombe with daughter (but without sniff! yot  :'() - too far for Nuttyshell. So spectator seats only I'm afraid!

Jim N3130
Having seen the pics Simon, she really makes my mouth water! :D
Love to have her myself, but I'd have to go half shares with someone at the club at that price  :-/

Hope that makes someone out there interested..... :D

Good luck!

Jim N3130

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